Well…if the idiot trump’s incompetence wasn’t clear before, and really, it has been damn clear for years now, the new number of unemployed will clear out all of the smog…31 million Americans out of work…let’s put that in perspective…this is the same percentage of people that were out of work in the great depression…24-25%…even at the trough of the great recession of 2008, the unemployment rate only reached 10%….and the carnage isn’t over yet….layoffs are still happening with at least another 5-7 million yet to come…so I guess trump does have a record that everyone can point to. The bitch of the whole thing is that it didn’t have to happen…many other economies in developed countries who have competent leaders who don’t just hold rallies and golf are doing so much better than the US…and let’s shut the repub apologists up right here….that the virus is an “act of god” that no one could have done better against…just look at Germany and France for example, who do have competent leaders who believe in science and think it IS their responsibility to protect their nations…same virus but different outcomes…many fewer deaths and much less economic damage…and all of the pain here was and is still being caused by the fact that trump is just so damn stupid…and he doesn’t really care about what the effects are on regular Americans…repeat after me…he only cares about getting re-elected and that is why he wants the economy to be “opened” no matter how many deaths it causes…but re-election is not going to happen even if he learns to shit gold and gives a million dollars to everyone….he is going to continue to kill Americans by his stupidity…and when the number reaches 200,000 or more as the summer comes, more and more people are going to have a friend or relative that has died because of trump and who, other than trump zombies, will vote for the idiot who killed grandma, or sister, or brother, or son, or daughter, or grandpa? Not many of us who live in the sane world that’s for sure…..
Tag Archives: depression
Dire predictions….
Well…as more and more assessments of the dire state of the country and the future depression come in, it is clear that the two months that the idiot trump and his cronies downplayed the effects of the virus to both individuals and the economy and diddled around because they don’t know anything is going to have worse effects than even the worst case scenarios. This incompetence and willful dereliction of duty are going to cost the lives of upwards to a million Americans and is going to put over 20% of workers out of work…and do permanent damage to the economy that will not be repaired in my lifetime….these assessments are calling 2020 a “lost year” where all we are going to be able to do is survive…and supply chains of food and other necessary supplies are going to crash unless the government gets involved and right the frick now…so everyone is going to be affected and it is not going to be pretty…and I am so damn mad that the repubs are still playing like it business as usual…with Rand Paul blocking the start of the recovery legislation because he want to know how were going to “pay” for it…we’re going to pay for his obstruction by putting hundreds of thousands more out of work and killing thousands more Americans…the time to act is yesterday..the depression is here and we have morons in charge…not sure if we’ll survive this….
May 5th
Well…bad night last night…with the Wings losing…and I can feel the depression coming back…so this may be the only thing that I write today…
More later…maybe…