Tag Archives: incompetent

They just don’t know how…

Well…I’ve come to a realization after watching the idiot trump and the entire federal government fail at the response to the deadly virus that is going to kill many, many Americans….they just don’t know how to respond…this is what you get when you purge the entire government of expertise and replace it with political appointees that have no experience or desire to do their jobs…none of them, starting with idiot boy, even care that they are in way over their heads…they just go out and lie to make the moron in chief feel better…as the head of FEMA did today when asked why they haven’t invoked the Defense Production Act to commandeer factories to make medical supplies that are necessary…and his answer was that they didn’t need to since companies were phoning him to volunteer to do stuff…what stuff he wouldn’t say…and then went on to say that it would be worse to have leftover supplies in warehouses than people dying from not having protective equipment….so things that should have been done months ago like asking doctors and hospitals what they need and getting every damn factory started on making respirators, masks, shields and the rest of the PPE’s needed just wasn’t done because the entire repub party believed that the virus was a hoax…or because trump believed it was and not one of these assholes had the guts to tell the moron that he was wrong and was going to get people killed. Now, it’s left up to governors to try to save their states since idiot boy just stated “we’ll step in when you fail” to the governors who are asking for something that the federal government has always done….and I’m sure the problem is that the states that are asking are blue states as I’ve said before…watch for the response when it’s Florida or Mississippi asking…you can bet the incompetent in chief will fall all over himself to help them since their governors will kiss his ass and tell him he’s doing just the bestest job…we’re all gonna die….

Dire predictions….

Well…as more and more assessments of the dire state of the country and the future depression come in, it is clear that the two months that the idiot trump and his cronies downplayed the effects of the virus to both individuals and the economy and diddled around because they don’t know anything is going to have worse effects than even the worst case scenarios. This incompetence and willful dereliction of duty are going to cost the lives of upwards to a million Americans and is going to put over 20% of workers out of work…and do permanent damage to the economy that will not be repaired in my lifetime….these assessments are calling 2020 a “lost year” where all we are going to be able to do is survive…and supply chains of food and other necessary supplies are going to crash unless the government gets involved and right the frick now…so everyone is going to be affected and it is not going to be pretty…and I am so damn mad that the repubs are still playing like it business as usual…with Rand Paul blocking the start of the recovery legislation because he want to know how were going to “pay” for it…we’re going to pay for his obstruction by putting hundreds of thousands more out of work and killing thousands more Americans…the time to act is yesterday..the depression is here and we have morons in charge…not sure if we’ll survive this….