Well….as if pushing an unapproved drug for coronvirus that kills people isn’t enough, the moron in chief yesterday told his stupid followers that “intense” UV rays and injecting disinfectant is the new cure…yep, you heard that bit of colossal stupidity right….he wants people to get 3rd degree sunburns and inject themselves with Lysol to “cure” the virus…and do you want to bet that some of his followers are going to do it? Look, repubs, I know you want more unqualified judges, but do you really want this idiot killing more people than the 60,000 he already has? Okay, we all know the answer to that…and it is yes…yes they do want to kill more people…especially if they are the brown and black people who are disproportionately killed by the virus. Why do you think Kemp wants to open Georgia? Because the right wing media is still pushing the idea that white people are immune and that is one of the reasons for the “demonstrations” by all white people to reopen the country….along with the whole “the cure is worse than the disease” lies that are pushed by the billionaires who are behind the idiot uprising. I am getting just so tired of having to live in a country run by a moron and his moron cronies…where every day we have to listen to someone who should be in a mental institution instead of the WH….just shaking my head….so much that it’s hurting my neck…