June 28th

Well…running  a little early today with coming here instead of reading the paper first…geez…it’s humid right now…I’m sitting here sweating already but I’m not sure if that is a bug or not….had the chills in bed last night and was coughing like crazy most of the night…feel okay today with having 3 nights of being good behind me but I think that will end today…I did have a strange dream that I took the old, empty cue case out to shoot pool by habit, leaving the cues and the new one behind…strange…..did get a bike ride in yesterday but got soaked since it started to rain about 3 miles out…but, it was almost 70 when I left so that was okay…really didn’t mind getting wet….I’ll probably get just as wet today with the humidity so high….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I do need to do some detail work on the car and patch the top in one spot before the England/Belgium match this aft….more later…..

Just got the new case…

Well…just got the new pool cue case that I ordered last week and it is nicer than I expected it to be….it’s actually a hard case to protect the cues and has storage pockets for a towel, chalk, and anything else you need to carry. A great bargain for $22.95….now I may need to buy a new cue to put in it…but it will be hard to give up the one I bought in 1972….

A little good news…

Well…on a day where the stolen supreme court seat gave the repubs just what they stole it for, to gut unions across this country, there was a little good news hiding in the primary elections that were held yesterday. In every state, the dems got their turnout up by from 120-160% as compared to the repubs whose turnout was up by 30-40%. With the fact that there is more of us than them, this type of turnout, if translated to the November election, starts to telegraph that there may be something big going on…and we may even be able to take back the senate…and it that happens, there will not be another SC justice approved during idiot boy’s term…using the McConnell rule that the seat kept open until there is a dem president.  There is a an enthusiasm gap and I hope we can keep it up until November…impeach…

June 27th

Well…running a little early today with having another one of those nights where I was up and down all night….but, I don’t feel too badly this morning with being good for a second night in a row….it was an okay day yesterday but the storms that came through were pretty disappointing…still waiting for a good one this year…didn’t get much done yesterday but order the brake parts for the car and started getting rid of stuff around here…I do need to get my hair cut today and that will come between working out and getting on the bike…have felt like I have a bug or something the past day or so…just a little off but that could be allergies, too…my lungs are kind of iffy but they clear out when I’m on the bike so I guess it’s no big deal….not much to do today…haircut and maybe an errand or two and then back here for more soccer…in the final days until I have healthcare that kicks in Sunday…that is going to be weird after 16 years without it…more later….

A big deal in Michigan…

Well…not sure if any of you have heard of this since it has flown under the radar here in Michigan…there has been a ballot proposal approved for this November that takes redistricting out of the hands of politicians and puts it into the hands of an independent commission to get rid of the awful gerrymandering the repubs have done to deprive people of the vote. In every election since the repubs started to cheat and drew districts to favor them, there have been more dem votes than repub but the repubs control the entire goverment here and that is just wrong…and, we all know that they can’t win any elections without cheating since demographics are a tidal wave coming at them with the young and minority voters overwhelmingly going for the dems. This proposal would create a commission of 4 dems, 4 repubs, and 5 independents that would draw new lines in 2020 and that has the repubs sweating bullets, and, with yesterday’s SC decision that racially motivated gerrymandering is just peachy with them, the only recourse to ensure a fair vote is to take redistricting out of the hands of repubs and put it back in the hands of the people. When this happened in California, the new, fairly drawn districts took control of the state out of the hands of the minority repubs and gave it to voters which resulted in the dems having a super majority….and that can happen here, too, and we can get control of our state back from the trump loving assholes who run it now….geez…

June 26th

Well….just about on time this morning and I even slept in until 6:37…and it got cold enough that I am going to have to wait for the temp to come up to get on the bike today….slept okay last night but I feel fatigued today and it is probably from not eating enough yesterday…only had three tacos and some stir fry chicken…oh, and a piece of pizza out at pool…which we tied…so maybe I did have enough….it was a nice ride out and back but I do need to order the brake parts today since I am really annoyed at the noise that the fronts are making….should get the part next week and it will only take an hour or so to replace them….didn’t get anything else done yesterday but I am going to try to do some cleaning today…along with cooking some fish that I have been marinating overnight….more later….

Stupid, stupid trump…

Well…how’s that trade war working out for you now, trump voters? It was announced this morning that Harley Davidson is moving half of it’s production to the EU to avoid the tariffs that were put in place by the EU in response to the idiot trumps tariffs on them. There goes another 1500 jobs from Wisconsin and puts Harley on a path to stop producing in the US altogether and it’s all because of trump. Trade wars are easy to win, huh? trump and his cronies must be the dumbest people on the planet since they didn’t think through any of the effects that his stupid tariffs would have on the US…he is just dumb enough to think that he is punishing other countries with his tariffs when all they have done is cost jobs here and raise prices on everyone in this country…did you get a tax cut from the scam tax bill? That’s all gone and more with the price increases that are coming in a couple of months…how do you like all that winning, trump voters? Impeach….

June 25th

Well…woke up this morning with a little bit of depression and I can’t figure that out…the timer got changed on the coffee maker and I can’t figure that out either….slept okay last night but don’t feel that hot right now…maybe it’s a good thing the coffee maker started early….it was a pretty gloomy day yesterday and I hope there is some sun today…I think I need that to feel better…didn’t get anything done yesterday and today will be the same with shooting pool later…I do need to get the fish that I thawed in a marinade this morning so I can cook some tomorrow…I think I may be able to eat out of the freezer for a couple of weeks…still have two more pounds of fish and 4 pounds of ground chuck along with some chicken in there and need to use it so I can buy some pork chops at 99 cents a pound this week….okay….need to have coffee and just sit here and be depressed…more later…

Okay…I’m all over the map on this…

Well….if you read the previous on on Sarah Huckabee Sanders and my feelings that we have to be better than the thugs and racists that a running this country right now, and we do, but if the institutions that are supposed to make sure this country survives won’t do their jobs (I’m talking to you congress) then we the people have to do something, then we have to make the criminals and liars understand  that what they are doing is unacceptable and expose their crimes to everyone….and part of that is to register the disgust we feel with all of the enablers of the thug in chief…to make sure that their behavior is not further normalized…that the lies are not normalized, that their destruction of the norms of the US is not further normalized…I can understand why the restaurant owner did what she did….that she just couldn’t bear what Sanders is helping to do to this country and did her little part to strike back…after all, this is what used to happen in this country when the leaders had a sense of shame and people called them out on their bad behavior…but that was sacrificed to the repubs lack of any morality or integrity so I guess we have to do something individually to try to protect this country…it’s all part of the resistance that many of us try to do every day…maybe we do have to bring a gun to a gunfight…and then try to fix it when we win….

Some light at the end of the tunnel?

Well…just a short little one about a snippet that I just read on Kos…last night, at a fundraiser at his home, the ranking dem member of the Senate Intelligence committee, Mark Warner, made this comment that was overheard by a reporter there: “If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff that only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months.” Now, I think this may dovetail with the news from earlier in the week that Mueller may be winding down the investigative part of the case, and his adding 4 new prosecutors might be a second signal that the cases against trump and his cronies, and the Russians is entering the criminal prosecution phase. So, there may be hope after all, and with it rumored that Mueller is going to release the preliminary report in late August, it just MAY be a wild couple of months…impeach…

What you never want to be….