Poor little snowflakes…

Well…with all of the crap going on with the idiot trump, and the many things to write about….I find that my outrage tank is empty today and I just can’t bring myself to write anything about the idiot or and of the other idiot repubs…okay maybe there’s a little outrage left…….the little snowflake repubs are now complaining that they have to talk to their constituents and all of them have been running away for the town hall meetings that they have scheduled…going so far as to start to talk about “alternative exits” so they don’t have to see the people they supposedly represent if they don’t ask them the softball questions that they are used to by the hand picked crowds they are used to…I have this to say to these poor little snowflakes…suck it up…you and your ilk have pissed off more than half of the country and now this kind of confrontation is going to be your new normal…if you were planning to bask in the adulation of adoring crowds you are more delusional than trump…who is basically in the bunker white house since his disapproval rating is 54% and only 42% of the people agree with how he is doing his job….and there is nowhere to go but down…we all need to resist in every way every day to make sure the damage these asses do is limited…and we can do that….

February 7th

Well….it was a Monday yesterday and I didn’t get a lot done…I did wash the car to get the salt off of it and to be able to see out of the glass again….but the rest of the day was pretty much a bust and that was okay…didn’t sleep at all last night and feel it this morning…took two hours to get to sleep and then I was tossing a turning all night….now I’m sure that is what causing the pain I feel when I get up but I’m not sure what to do about it….I may be able to get back on the bike in a few days with the rain today but that won’t happen until Friday or sat since the next two days are going to be in the teens….I do have to get my hair cut this morning and then go out and get some allergy medicine since I’m down to the last two…..the rest of the day is going to be winging it since I really don’t have anything to do…more later….

This is too damn funny….

Well…the idiot trump continues to rail against the media, telling the army at centcom today the delusion that they are covering up most of the terror attacks across the world for reasons only he knows…but, that is for another one….and he has gone on and on that the media doesn’t report the “huge” crowds that have turned out to support his immigration orders….the media did report on a trump support rally from Portland, Maine Sunday and it was “hugely huge”…it took all of BOTH hands to count the 8 people who showed up….I wonder how many that equates to in trumpworld? Eleventy billion? Trump you idiot, you should hope that the media doesn’t cover anything you say or do…it all makes you look batshit insane…repubs, where is the impeachment process? Get on it….

The resistance spreads to England….

Well….I smiled a big one a few minutes ago when I read an article that the speaker of England’s Parliament just cancelled trumps visit there saying that “racism and sexism is not welcome here”…the question I have for the idiot trump is: this is making America great again? How does offending everyone in the world help our keep our people safe? I applaud speaker Bercow for doing the right thing here and calling trump out for what he is…keep it up world and he will throw a hissy fit and maybe have a heart attack….

February 6th

Well…another week starts…okay, I know it really starts on Sunday but that’s the weekend so I say it starts today….and I am sore today for some reason so there will be some ibuprofen this morning….didn’t get anything done yesterday but watch soccer…Man U won one for  a change so they are closing in on 4th place in the league and champions league play later in the year….not sure if I ate enough yesterday but I think I was under since I feel run down today…that’s the normal symptom but without getting on the bike, I need to cut out a bunch of food….I do need to wash the car today and that will happen after I get the workout in….the thing is white from salt and needs to be cleaned….more later….

Do not donate to the Red Cross…

Well…look, we need to isolate and castigate any organization that does business with trump or any of his businesses…so that puts the Red Cross on that list with the fundraiser they did at Mar a Lago with trump yesterday….I mean, a ball with rich people and the staff dressed in pre French revolution costumes? And the fact that trump charged them for the space just makes it worse….making money from supposed charity is trump all the way but that the Red Cross bought into it shows their support for the serial sex offender, liar, and idiot…they cannot be rewarded for this!  So, I have a suggestion for you…any checks you write should go to the Salvation Army…now, as an atheist I am a little uncomfortable with the religious part of their program, but they do lots of good for this country and around the world and have been doing it for more than 175 years….

Have to root for the Falcons…

Well….I think there may be a problem with my trying to resist anything trump…don’t want that to be my entire life here but we all have to do our small part to make sure people who support trump pay the price…I’m talking about you Brad, Clint, and Carl….but I am also talking about Tom Brady and Bill Belichick who are great friends with trump and support all the nasty, fascist things that idiot is doing…so, how could I root for the Patriots….oh, geez…Patriots? How frickin ironic is it that they work for a team called the Patriots and support the destruction of our democracy? So, I will have to root for the Falcons today….go Atlanta!

Elon, Elon, Elon….

Well…after the head of Uber resigned from the idiot trump’s business advisory committee, the public has started to put pressure on the rest of the collaborators to trump’s fascist regime to get them to resign. The response by Elon Musk has diminished him in my eyes immeasurably….he tried to justify his continued seat on the committee by saying that it is better to work from within…blah, blah, blah….and that trump will listen to him and the rest of the people on the committee…now I’m laughing out loud…have you ever met this idiot Elon? He is no more likely to listen to you than a fricking wall….remember, he has said constantly that he knows more than anyone about everything so why the hell do you think he would listen to you? All your continued collaboration with this racist, fascist regime is doing is giving it an air of normalcy and legitimacy, which it is neither….Elon, you are from South Africa and you saw the damage of businesses going along with the apartheid regime there…the damage done to anyone who was not white, and now you support a regime that wants to create the same type of second class citizens that apartheid created by it’s hatred against the LGBT community and immigrants? Shame on you Elon, you have played right into the propagandists tiny little hands by helping them in any way….

February 5th

Well…running really late today and I just can’t get going….only thing I want to do is go back to the couch but I won’t….I am a little sore again today and I know it’s from sleeping on my right shoulder again….need to stop doing that since it takes all day for the pain to subside….I did finally get the bathroom cleaned and I also vacuumed so yesterday was not a total waste….not sure how much I am going to do today…I guess I’ll just wing it and see what happens…I did make some guac yesterday an put way too much diced tomatoes on top….I know I put some on it before but I must have just chopped a little bit…made it more like tomato dip and I’m not too fond of that…oh, well….I need more coffee and some soccer so I’ll end here…more later….

I grieve for the victims of Bowling Green….

Well….as a massacre that never happened, I shall always never remember the victims…the hundreds of victims that never were and my heart doesn’t break for them…I will always never remember where I was and what I was doing the minute the massacre didn’t happen….stay strong Bowling Green!

As you can tell, this is snark…if you want to know about Bowling Green, just google it…you’ll get a laugh out of it….

What you never want to be….