Well…as you know, I haven’t been feeling too well today and that kept me off the bike and led to me having some extra time to read the news…sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes it isn’t. Just now, it was a really good, funny thing that left me laughing at just how pathetic the whiny conservatives are. In DC, where there are a lot of single people trying to date, conservative men have been surprised that they are having a hard time finding women who will go out with them…and, I wonder why? Could it be that they are racist, misogynist assholes who support trump and the rest of the troglodytes in the repub party? Could it be that they support the government telling women what they can and cannot do with their bodies? Could it be that they have no problem giving billions of dollars of tax cuts to the rich while working people get nothing? Could it be that they support taking healthcare away from millions of their fellow citizens? To hear conservatives talk, it is just so unfair to them that once women they want to date find out they are conservatives assholes, that the women run the other way as fast as they can…poor little snowflakes…hey, why don’t you try not being a conservative asshole? Why don’t you try being a human being sometime? I’ve found in my long lifetime that having some empathy and not hating everyone who is not like you goes a long way to having people want to spend time with you….even women at times….maybe this is natural selection at work…and will help kill off the asshole conservative population by not allowing them to reproduce? Hope so…geez…
Tag Archives: snowflakes
Poor little snowflakes…
Well…the idiots on the right are raising up with indignation that the sane of us are not going along with their racist, ignorant destruction of this country….and are crying daily that we are not letting trump do his job…hey, I got news for you, snowflakes, it’s better for you if trump doesn’t do his job…if he does, there goes your social security, your medicare, your health insurance through the ACA, your clean air and water and your country’s standing in the world….but, I guess none of this really means anything to you…you just want the ability to be openly ignorant racists again and that is what trump gives you…but, if you think we’ll take this ruining of our country lying down, you are even crazier than you sound…and you can whine about us not “shutting up and letting trump do his job” just remember what you and your ilk did for 8 years under Obama…the birtherism, the overt racism, and the obstruction you people showed for 8 years is shutting up and letting the president do his job? Keep whining, snowflakes….we’re going to keep up the pressure until you and your troglodyte ideas are discarded to the dustbin of history…
Poor little snowflakes…
Well…with all of the crap going on with the idiot trump, and the many things to write about….I find that my outrage tank is empty today and I just can’t bring myself to write anything about the idiot or and of the other idiot repubs…okay maybe there’s a little outrage left…….the little snowflake repubs are now complaining that they have to talk to their constituents and all of them have been running away for the town hall meetings that they have scheduled…going so far as to start to talk about “alternative exits” so they don’t have to see the people they supposedly represent if they don’t ask them the softball questions that they are used to by the hand picked crowds they are used to…I have this to say to these poor little snowflakes…suck it up…you and your ilk have pissed off more than half of the country and now this kind of confrontation is going to be your new normal…if you were planning to bask in the adulation of adoring crowds you are more delusional than trump…who is basically in the bunker white house since his disapproval rating is 54% and only 42% of the people agree with how he is doing his job….and there is nowhere to go but down…we all need to resist in every way every day to make sure the damage these asses do is limited…and we can do that….