Flynn resigns…trump and bannon should be next…

Well…woke this morning to the good news that Mike Flynn has resigned from his post of NSA after it was revealed he was colluding with Russia to undermine the Obama administration and the sanctions that were applied to them when it was revealed that the Russians were meddling in our election. But, this contact with the Russians was not done by some rogue agent as the spin will start to say today, but was done under orders from someone that Flynn worked for…say either trump or bannon…and that means that either one or both of them broke the law  and put our democracy in danger…so the next two to go should be those two idiots…but, will they be held accountable? Nope, not from this amoral repub party who really don’t care about democracy or doing their jobs…after all, there are still Hillary’s e-mails to investigate….geez…

February 14th

Well…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I did make a little cash so that was cool…and I did work out and ride the bike so I guess that was something…still pretty sore today but I did remember to take something before I got on the bike so it was not as brutal as normal….will have to remember to do that before I go out today….I do have to adjust my calorie intake today to make up for the 600 I burn on the bike since I have just felt exhausted the past few days and I know it’s from not eating enough….or from getting old, I’m not sure which….don’t have a lot to do today but wait for some equipment that is supposed to come today so I think I’ll just take it easy and wait for it…but first, I need coffee….more later….

Flynn should be in jail….

Well….as more and more details come out of Mike Flynn’s traitorous connections to the Russians, it is quite clear that he has broken the law and violated the Logan act that prohibits anyone from working against the US for a foreign country. Flynn, before he was legally able to contact the Russians, did just that…talking to the Russian ambassador about the sanctions that Obama had imposed as punishment for Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine, and asking them to delay any response to them until after trump was in office….and guess what? Putin did just that….and after Putin made the delay, trump tweeted basically “good job Vladdie” which shows he knew about the foreign policy meddling and that makes him just as guilty as Flynn…but, will the repubs do anything about it? Nope, they will let the trumpistas get away with any lawbreaking just as long as they get to keep power and cut taxes on the rich….and the country continues to circle the drain as the repubs refuse to do their jobs…

There are insects outside my window…

Well…on a lighter note after all of the sturm and drang about trump…I know this has been a relatively mild winter but sitting here right now there are the shadows of insects outside my window…now, there are not supposed to be insects flying around in February in Michigan….just not supposed to happen….but I am not going to bitch about it too much…..I even found a few ladybugs in my place over the past week and that is not normal, either…..this is not a normal February by any stretch of the imagination….and with the temps forecast to be around 60 over the weekend the weirdness will continue….and I will get to put the top down on the car…..

The looting has begun…

Well…we all know that trump is breaking the law every day by still being in control of his businesses….and the past two weeks pointed out why presidents should not be able to profit off the government….over the past two weeks as trump took two weekends at his resort in Florida…at a cost of 2 million dollars for each weekend that went straight into trump’s pocket….now, I don’t know about you but I sure don’t want any of my tax dollars going to that idiot…and we can be sure that over the course of this year alone, trump will loot the federal government of close to 50 million dollars…just the kind of grift that the law was meant to prevent…where are you repubs? Impeach….

February 13th

Well…sitting here waiting for the coffee to finish and can’t figure out how it’s gotten so late and I haven’t gotten moving yet….I know I slept in a little but my brain is just not starting…I wonder if I need to reboot….didn’t get a lot done yesterday…actually, didn’t get anything done yesterday and I don’t really feel too bad about that…I am going to get a workout and a bike ride in today but I don’t need to cook since I have leftovers for the next couple of days….and I have lots of stuff in the freezer so I don’t need much to buy for groceries this week….my back is still sore from the last bike ride a couple of days ago so I need to remember to take something for it soon….the last ride was brutal without it and I think I still have cramps in my feet from it….okay…the coffee is finishing and I sorely need some…so I’ll end here…more later…

This is bad for trump…

Well…okay, just needed to do a short on on an article I just read….it seems that the intelligence community has stopped giving trump and his minions any intelligence briefings since they know that there is a direct pipeline to Russia out of the white house…let that sink in for a minute…trump and his cronies in the white house don’t get classified briefings since the CIA knows there is a Russian mole in the white house and that Putin will find out what we know about Russia…and the CIA has told our allies not to share any info with trump, either…and what is that noise you hear from the repubs in the house? Silence….this, folks, is the definition of high crimes and misdemeanors that is the bar for impeachment…what the hell does it take, repubs for you to uphold your oath to defend the constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic?

Looks like a new record coming…

Well….I just noticed that I had a record month for quantity in January and from looking at where I am so far this month, it looks like I am going to shatter that record…I mean, I have never had over 40 of these done in 12 days before and probably won’t again…I am happy that I started reading the news again to give me plenty of topics to get outraged about and there will be more of that coming tomorrow…after all everyone in the trump administration lies constantly and someone has to call them on it…the normal media won’t so I guess it will fall to all of us that do these things to do it….and I have a new computer so I feel obligated to try to wear the letters off these keys just as I did the last one….but, that will be for tomorrow…I’m going to veg it out for the rest of the day….no more later….

A new look….

Well….looking at some pictures of people meeting with trump and there is one thing that is consistent with all of them….they have a look on their faces that says “what the hell am I doing talking to this idiot”….especially ABE from Japan…a look of no respect for an ignorant, racist asshole….now they just need to stop meeting with him altogether….

Paid protesters?

Well….another day, and another new lie is being passed around by the repubs…that all of the protesters that are flooding the town halls that the repubs are putting on MUST be paid by someone…and the name that gets dropped most often is George Soros…that he is sending in busloads of people  to disrupt those meetings…it just CAN’T be that people don’t want their healthcare taken away, or that the don’t want Planned Parenthood shut down, or that they want trump’s Russian conspiracy investigated….nope, they have to be part of a left wing conspiracy whose only purpose is to keep repubs from doing things that 45% of the people want. Never mind that reporters in Utah at Jason Chaffetz’s town hall actually asked the people if they lived in the area and if they were in fact being paid….not one was….and really that would be such a good gig to have, to get paid to protest…I mean, I could do that job and I could use the cash….but, this is just like the non-existent voter fraud that the right keeps harping on…it only exists in the fevered minds of the liars in the repub party…geez….

What you never want to be….