More Mitt nonsense…

Well…it was an interesting little sound bite that came out of the morning news shows with ole Mitt when he came out and said “I’m not concerned about the poor…they have their safety nets”…I can’t believe how wrong this is on so many levels, especially when his party has made it’s their life’s work to end the safety net as we know it with their opposition to unemployment benefits and their efforts to gut medicaid, medicare, and social security. He then went on to say that his concern is for the middle class and making sure it is strong…yeah, right, Mitt…you were really concerned at Bain when you reaped millions of dollars in profits personally by hacking up companies and stealing the assets while leaving the employees holding the bag…something that you are still profiting from to this day and it is just a lie that you give a damn about anyone but your isolated buddies in the 1% that live in their gated enclaves with their legacy admissions to the best colleges and their lives of privilege. If that sounds like “envy’ you are wrong…it is anger at the self-perpetuating nonsense pushed by the repubs that won’t allow people like me to work anymore…that just because of my age there is no place for me when I have the education and the skills the repubs are always saying the workforce lacks…so, Mitt, take your Freudian slip and go back to your 10 houses and leave the rest of us alone….geez…

February 1st

Well…another month gone by and I’m still idling, looking for work with my hope for ever finding work again slipping away as the days pass….but I won’t let it get me down…there is still life to live even thought it’s not the one I ever expected…and it was a no cocktail night last night so I feel okay today…still trying to sleep and might have to go back to the OTC sleeping pills for a while…I think part of the soreness that I have been feeling lately is from all of the tossing and turning that I do at night…the sheets were twisted into a rope after last night….the Wings did win last night but I didn’t see the third…it was just time to hit the sack when it started but that is the problem with west coast swings….the next two are 10 pm games and that is just way too late to see the whole thing…not much to do today…have to run a bunch of errands and then back her for more of the same…there should be politics for later so come on back….

Oh, it might be warm enough today to get back on the bike….I hope the 50 plus weather has melted the snow off the trails…I guess I’ll find out later this morning…