Tag Archives: life

The Flu Chronicles…

Okay…only a weird mind like mine would take advantage of being sick to have another topic to talk about…but I thought it might take my mind off of feeling like crap…and you can only lay on the couch for a certain amount of time at my age..then, you start hurting in other areas that have nothing to do with the flu…I have a huge cramp in my left shoulder that I think is worse than the flu aches. So, the temp has stabilized at about 101 and I have shifted down three gears to conserve what little energy is left and the coughing and hacking is about as bad as it was this morning…now, a sore throat has joined the group of symptoms and is making me really miserable. So, on that note, I’m going back to the couch for a while since I’ve started to sweat like crazy just typing…more later…

January 19th

Well…had fun at pool even though I lost…but I probably should have stayed home…I think I have the flu…have been up and down all night and feel like crap…no, it’s not from going out….well..part of it is, but not the hacking cough and fever…so, it looks like a complete veg day today….will probably even skip going out for newspapers and coffee…yep, feeling that crappy….so, obviously, not much to do today…it took all of the energy I have right now to just sit here for a few minutes and write this…if I feel better, I’ll be back later with more…

Okay…I did go out for coffee and newspapers but the jury is still out on whether it was a good idea or not….just no energy at all and I’m running about 101 on the temp…you know that feeling I’m sure….but, I’m still going to work out here in a minute to try to get the temp up even farther…yep, I’m an idiot, but you knew that…I do have a topic for later..on the repubs new talking point of American exceptionalism…the newest bludgeon they are using to hit us progressives with….

January 18th

Well…have a furnace emergency at my son’s house so this will be it until later…and I’ll fill you in then…

Okay…I’m back…it was a quick easy fix for the furnace…the drive pulley had just come loose but I did have to look very deep in my memory to work on it…it’s been 8 years or so after all…as I said to T this morning, there is something to be said for 60 year old furnaces and how easy they are to work on…

Now…I’ll get to the normal stuff…stayed in last night since G is heading to a sales conference this week and had to get ready for it…and it was not bad to have two days off…I even have a little energy for today’s trip out to Ada but hat will probably change before I leave to go out there….I did remember to bring the cue sticks in last night after the trip around the complex….I know mine is so old that I wouldn’t want to subject it to the shock of whacking on something when it’s cold….not much else to do today…going to work out here in a minute and try to get one out later….but, you know how it feels to get behind right off the bat in the morning…something has to give and I don’t know if it will be this aft’s post…I will give it a try…oh, one last thing…witht he cable internet, I have been able to look at videos on the web lately…had a Joe Walsh day yesterday that just cracked me up…I hope he tours again so I can see him for the 9th time…more later…

January 17th

Well…a total veg day yesterday that was really needed…I just can’t take going two days in a row anymore…or should I say I don’t want to….when I got up this morning, even though it was quite early, I still felt so much better than yesterday…I wonder why I don’t learn this stuff? Oh, well…Sundays are kind of luxurious when you allow yourself to just flow with it and keep the guilt tamped down…there was no SF since we did it Sat aft and that was okay…needed to save some cash for tonight anyway….not much to do today….but even at that, it will still be better than yesterday…hmmm….maybe not better and I think I’m becoming too attached to my routine….that’s about it for now, but I will be back later for more…I think I need some political commentary since the repubs will be back to their shenanigans this week….and my outrage meter has been pegged on the low point for way too long…so, get ready for some passion…well….I’ll try anyway…more later…

January 16th

Well…feel like crap today..way too much fun out with K at Logan’s and then I was not a good boy when I got home…so, it will be a penance day today as my body makes my brain pay for the stupidity….oh, well…the Wings did win last night so that make it a little better…but not enough so I’ll do that again soon. It looks like another boring day today but it’s still too early to tell…I am not planning on doing anything but you never know what will happen….I am going to try to get a couple of topics out today…but, I promise that every weekend and rarely keep that promise….all I can say is that I’ll try…more later…

Okay…I’m back…I forgot some stuff about yesterday that kind of touches on a theme from one of these last week…that, as I age, there are things that I enjoy and will no longer be able to do…not physically, but societally, yeah, that’s not a word but it conveys the idea that I’m trying to get across…and I used the example of going to water parks or stupid boating tricks….I am getting to a point…slowly, I’ll admit but I am getting there…well..sitting at Logan’s, and after a couple of beers and a shot, it seemed like a good idea to put together a tubing trip to Pando; one of the ski areas that we have around here. So, in a couple of weeks, we will be tubing under the lights at Pando….I wonder if it will be the last time I do something like that? Oh, the point…is it weird that a 57 year old still likes stuff like this? When do I have to stop before I become a caricature?

January 15th

Well…running late this morning and I don’t know why…haven’t done anything yet except go out and get the papers and make coffee…oh, well…the Wings lost to columbus last night and that puts me a little out of sorts but I’ll get over it pretty quickly…Had a fun lunch with T yesterday and then just a veg day the rest of the day…I do have some work to do today but the papers and coffee come first…maybe a trip out this aft to Logan’s to hang out with K for a while but that is about it..see, I don’t have to say not much to do today….more later…

January 14th

Well…had a little fun last night…went out to OT to hang out with C and D and it turned into a nice little party..man, it was good to see some of the old people again…not really old people…you know what I mean. Almost overdid it but ran out of cash so that was a good thing…couldn’t understand the people on the way home, though…they were acting like it was glare ice…I mean, 35 on the e-way…if you are so scared of driving in the snow, just stay home…I was successful in controlling my anger and just followed the idiots…which I felt pretty good about. I do have things to do today! Bet you never saw that coming…need to get a few groceries, get out for coffee, and then lunch with T which I am really looking forward to….it is going to be a cocktail night with Red Wings thrown in so a pretty full day…for me, anyway….I am going to try to get a couple of topics out later…I’m sure I’ll get at least one…more later…

January 13th

Well..running a little late this morning…was up at about 4 or so, watched a little tv, and went back to bed…I’m still shaking off the sleep but I thought I’d write a little just to see if it can be done in this state….not as easy as I thought….have skipped the news shows for the last couple of days…I think I’m trying to cleanse myself from the vitriol of the last week but it doesn’t help with topics…as you can see…my thoughts have been short and I don’t know why at this point…maybe I’ll just stop thinking about it and let it flow…not much to do today…C and D are coming into town later and will probably go out and have a couple with them to break some of the boredom…although…working around here helped yesterday…did get my bathroom done and it looks good so maybe I’ll use that motivation to get the kitchen done today….nope, going to be cooking a pork loin roast and that makes a pretty big mess…looks like the kitchen will have to wait…darn….more later….

January 12th

Well…fun night out in Ada…won at pool for the first time in 3 weeks and I know it was the new tip on the stick….well…maybe…and I was good when I got home so I feel okay today…up quite early, though, and I wish just once I could get a good nights sleep…oh, well..I’ll stop complaining now….it was slick coming home which forced me into low and slow mode which really was a good idea anyway. Not much to do today…think it will be a cleaning day…need to get the bathroom done and after two days of having fun, I do need a rest day, too….so there will be netflix involved and some couch if I do it right…and some topics for later…not anything cooking in my head right now…couldn’t watch Keith last night since he is still harping on the Arizona thing and I am tired of the partisan bickering…more later…

man..I have been missing a bunch of stuff that has happened in the last couple of days…don’t know why, just that it slipped my mind…let’s start with M being in Denver for the Wings game a couple of days ago…we lost that one 5-4 but it was good to hear from him…then got a picture from him last night from Red Rocks…the really cool concert venue there that I would love to see…then, got up this morning and it looked like my car had been frozen into a block of ice…don’t know if it rained last night or if it was just from the snow coming home but the doors were frozen shut and I had to climb over from the passengers side to start it and let it thaw…works okay now but I’m getting too old to do those contortions….especially since it’s a stick and won’t start unless you push the clutch in….

January 11th

Well…long day yesterday..did go out for a few with G and that was fun…but the Wings lost…not that bad a thing since it was the 4th game of a west coast swing and we won 3 of them….do feel kind of crappy but I think it is more that I was up and down all night than anything else. Didn’t see the end of the national championship game but it is on again right now so I may stay here and watch it before going out for coffee but, maybe not…don’t want to blow up my routine since that is the way that I maintain discipline…but, then again…discipline may be over rated and I should just cut loose…who knows? Not much to do today…as always…do have pool out in Ada so that should be fun…I am going to try again today to get a couple more of these out…more later…