Tag Archives: life

December 15th part two….

Well…haven’t done one of these addendum in quite a while because you probably think they are cheating in a sense…and it would be if I was counting the quantity and getting paid by the number I do each month…you know I don’t get paid at all to do this…is there a way to get paid to do this? If you know, please let me know because I could use the cash…was just thinking that there may be a connection between sleeping and writing…yep, I did say that before and if you’ve been here you’ve seen it…well, can’t make that assumption, either. Okay, a quick summary…I have finally been sleeping pretty well over the last week or so but that has resulted in the edge going off my brain…not having as many ideas or any outrage to drive them. But, with the crappy sleep I had last night, I have had some of the outrage come back and a couple of ideas that were worth writing about. Can you make a connection between the two? Not on this sample size I’m afraid….but I’ll let you know in a couple of days if there is something to it…

Anything else…hmmmm….oh, still getting to like the Pandora service more and more and watching less and less tv….a good thing, I think…and reading a lot more…have gone through a couple of books in the last couple of days….that’s it…more later, maybe…

December 15th

Well…another night out in Ada but I lost again and did not win at Keno…I don’t know what I expected….yes I do….I expect to win every week…oh, well. Missed the Geminid meteor shower since it was cloudy last night and into this morning but I avoided the 15 degree temps and freezing my butt off so that is a plus. A bad night of sleep last night…started getting up at 1:16 and have been up and down since…but three out of 4 days with tolerable sleep is not bad…much better than the last couple of years. Not much to do today…going to take the day off from everything but coffee and the newspapers…oh, and getting some posts out since there are developments in the world that I need to comment on…just not right now since I do have to get ready to go out….more later…

December 14th

Well…had a fun night out with G and laughed some….for some reason, I feel like crap today and no it wasn’t from being out….I think it’s forgetting to eat after I got home…oh, well….I’ll have breakfast today to make up for it….I’m already tired of the cold and the old Mazda doesn’t like it either…it creaks and groans like I do when I get up and I just hope it will make it through the winter…I hope I do too, for that matter. Not a lot to do today..except Ada…and I’m shooting for another win and another 100 bucks playing Keno…that would be really weird if I could do that two weeks in a row but stranger things have happened. I will have some topics for later…I know, I’ve promised that before but today I mean it….well, I meant it before, too, but as I said before, I think the sleeping has taken the edge off my brain…I may have to try to cut back to see if that helps my creativity…more later…

Just thinking….

Well…this one was supposed to be about the idea that I may have been hasty in condemning Obama about the tax cut deal…but I’ll get to that later…this one is a little more existential, a little more introspective than normal but thoughts have been popping into my head for a couple of days now that I need to write about to figure them out….sometimes that helps but it’s not guaranteed but I’ll try anyway. Part of this thought comes from a couple of encounters I’ve had in the past couple of weeks where the people I met always ask the same question first: “what do you do?” Up until now, my flip answer has been ‘whatever I want”, but, when I started to think about it today, of course my strange thought process drove me to the larger question of how we define ourselves; how do we get to the shorthand that explains us as individuals? I know a lot of people believe that it’s our work that defines us…that it is hard to separate what you do from who you are….so who are you when you don’t have anything that you do? Since I started to write in earnest in my 30′s, I’ve always thought of myself as a writer who worked at other things so I could write, but can you consider yourself a writer if you’ve never sold anything? And, if I’m not a writer, what the heck am I? Just another unemployed old guy I guess….hmmm….this isn’t going anywhere right now so I’ll stop….

December 13th

Well…I am still in shock…the Lions won a game yesterday…yep, I said it…the Lions won a game yesterday. Other than that, it was a normal Sunday…no SF…but I told you about that in yesterday’s post. I don’t know where the huge winter storm went but it never got here, just a couple of inches on my car but it is quite cold….and it’s going to be for a few days…might even have to get the gloves out. Not much to do today….and this time it’s really true…I can’t even think of anything to do….of course, going out to get the papers and coffee but that’s it….I can already feel the boredom starting to creep in and I’ve only been up for a little while…maybe I’ll get a couple of posts out…who knows? More later…

December 12th

Well…yep, running late this morning for absolutely no reason other than I can…it is really hard to stay motivated this time of the year…not from the holidays but just from the lack of light…I may have that SAD disease that some people here in the northern climes have…it could be the lack of exercise but I can control that by just getting off my butt and running; maybe today? A couple of good hockey games yesterday were the highlight of the day….with Michigan and the Wings winning and both looking pretty convincing doing it…good for Ozzie to get his 399th win and he looked sharp. Not much to do today….have already read the GR Press and need to get at the NY Times and Wash Post…don’t know what I’m going to do when they go subscription on Jan 1st…the routine will have to change I guess…I don’t know why I haven’t really had any outrage lately…I think it may be that I’m sleeping again, now, wouldn’t that be crappy? To finally be able to sleep and then lose the ability to write? Some of you already think that I lost that ability before I started this thing, but if that’s so, why do you keep coming back? I haven’t even gone off the rails lately….do I have to promise that? I don’t know if I can but I will promise to have some topic for later today….since there is nothing else to do..no SF today since K is traveling for work….and I really don’t like to sit in bars by myself…more later…

Oh, one last thing…I have to say thanks to my 3 sons for the gift of the Roku….that tiny little box has restored my love of music and has given me back the serenity of Sunday morning; listening to music while I read the papers instead of having the tv blaring…and I have rediscovered bad, old, science fiction from the 50′s on Netflix…so, thanks, guys….

December 11th

Well…I think I may have this not sleeping thing licked…it’s been almost a week since I’ve had a really bad night of flipping and flopping all over the bed and it’s almost left my mind completely. If you’ve ever had this problem, you know how frustrating it can be and it kind of takes over your thoughts and life. I guess I’ll just enjoy it while it lasts. A good night of hockey last night…the Wings beat Montreal but the game was a really close, fast paced one that was just so much fun to watch. And Mickey Redmond was even better at color commentary than normal which makes it a joy to listen. Another one tonight and we have the Big House game this aft so there are things to do. I was going to say not much to do today…which there isn’t, but I am going to make a chicken stir fry that I haven’t made in a while…the only problem I have with that is I love soy sauce…and you get the daily recommended amount of salt in about one tablespoon which just isn’t enough…I love to drench it in soy…oh, well…maybe I should stop reading labels?

Time to get the first cup of coffee, put Pandora on the Roku and read the papers…more later…

December 10th

Well…another day of waiting for the dish folks to get the thing fixed….but it’s really no big deal…or is it? I keep talking about it after all…but that might be because I just don’t have anything else to talk about. I did go out for HH last night with K and V…haven’t seen them since t-day and it was fun to get out for a while. I’m still not ready for the onset of winter….have to start looking for my gloves and other gear and get into survival mode…and that is happening really early this year…I normally don’t get into hunkering down and enduring until after the first of January so it’s going to make it a really long winter. Not much to do today…have to do the grocery shopping so I can veg this weekend….might have a couple of afternoon drinks with K since she is going to tear it up today and I really do need to keep moving on the bag of books from T….I promise there will be topics today…but not until later this morning…I do have to have coffee after all…more later…

December 9th

Well…a nice day yesterday…lunch with T was fun as always but didn’t do much else….this quick change from fall to full blown winter has me a little behind the curve in adjusting…we usually have at least some transition time…but with the forecast of sub zero temps for Sunday and Monday it’s getting nasty fast. I just hope this doesn’t keep up all winter…I will promise to just bitch a little if it does. Not much to do today…the dish folks were supposed to come yesterday but I didn’t see them….this is getting to be pain keeping this place cleaned up while I wait for them…but, that is really the only thing I have to complain about so I think I’ll survive. I really do want the holiday season to be over….my favorite day of the year used to be December 26th; after all the shopping and visiting was over and you could actually go out for groceries without standing in line for a hour. Yep…I am a scrooge…..more later…there will be topics…

December 8th

Well…running a little late this morning and there’s no reason other than I had too much fun yesterday…won at pool and at Keno…106 bucks which paid our tab and is going to buy lunch for T and I later…so there was a little sunshine that broke through the drabness…I think I pulled something jumping up and down when I saw that….yeah, I’m a little weird…but you know that. Not much to do today…the dish is still screwed up and they have to come with another receiver today but I don’t know if I’ll be here for that…who knows? More later….

I’m back for a few minutes….maybe for a moment of silence? 30 years ago today, John Lennon was killed….