Tag Archives: life

November 26th

Well…I know I’m really late this morning but there is a reason for it that I don’t know if I should share…it’s a family thing, extended family really but that doesn’t make it any easier. You know how I struggle with the balance of privacy for my family and friends and wanting to share this weird life…so, I’m going to have to think about this for a while..

I did have a nice Thanksgiving with my boys, made a great turkey and the rest of the stuff and we had a hoot just talking for a few hours…they are all so thin and good looking, but even the youngest one has the starting of gray hair at 23…but, at least they all have lots of hair so maybe they won’t suffer my fate…and, they all went in on a present for me.. a cool little device called a Roku that wirelessly streams Netflix and other stuff to my TV…I guess they couldn’t stand that I was watching that stuff on my computer when I have a perfectly good tv…tried it out and it is pretty neat….they said they wanted to move me at least one foot into the 21st century…more later…

November 25th

Well…I feel much better today…don’t know if it was bad food or what that was the cause for yesterday’s malaise but what a wasted day. I can’t say not much to do today…have the boys coming over for dinner and have to get the pies started before I go out for coffee…they opened the coffee shop to try it out today so I kind of feel obligated to stop over there….I’ll fill you in on the rest of the day as it goes on…but need to get going right now…more later…

Okay…got the pies done and the potatoes peeled…and wanted to get this thought down before I forget it…I am starting to think our country is completely broken…after reading some comments to an E.J. Dionne column where he decries the lack of civility and the revisionism that the right is now doing with regards to Thanksgiving….these mean-spirited folks can’t, even for one day, just give it a rest, to take the day off and just enjoy…if we could just harness the hate that these people have…we could stop importing oil…

November 24th

Well…a long day yesterday and I feel a little crappy today…I did win at pool so that was okay but I now remember why I’ve cut way back on the drinking…just want to stay on the couch today…which I could do but that would be giving in and I won’t do that. So, I’m going to suck it up and get on with the normal stuff….and I am glad there is not much to do today…I do have to brine the turkey but that is about it…so that’s all I’ll do…this isn’t going well so I’ll stop here…more later…

Okay…I’m back for a few minutes…got the turkey in the brine, worked out, and had my coffee and newspapers but I don’t feel that much better…maybe after I have lunch? I am going to take a nap here in a few minutes, that is, after I have some leftover ribs…so, the posts today are going to be kind of sporadic…sorry about that, but you know this happens some Wednesdays…

November 23rd

Well…it was kind of a full day yesterday with lunch with T and then out with G for a couple….still have the grinding the teeth thing going on at night and got up this morning with really bad pain from it…thought I had that figured out a couple of years ago but I guess I didn’t…I have heard from all three boys and there is going to be a T-day dinner…but I need to go out and get a few more things to finish it this morning…there is no way I’ll be in the stores Wed…just want to get the turkey brining and get the last few things cleaned up here and watch the Wings game….But, what about today, you ask? Or don’t ask, but I’m going to tell you anyway…it looks like the normal Tuesday…out to Ada later for pool to try to redeem myself from getting my butt kicked….but this week will be different….

It was kind of fun to have the last day of shorts and short sleeve shirts yesterday but I still have two more days to go before I can put on jeans…and I don’t want to anyway…what I don’t get is people think its weird for me to still be wearing shorts but don’t think anything of women wearing skirts through the winter….is it equivalent? Well…I think it is so it must be, right? Okay…drifting a little so I’ll end here…I’ll try to get another topic out later but you know how it goes on Tuesday…

November 22nd

Well…another almost weekend gone…I think I’ve said this before…how I miss the idea of weekends? When you’re unemployed, all days look the same and you miss the joy that there is a weekend coming….just a short musing…I guess that means that it doesn’t matter that Monday is here either….don’t really miss Mondays…okay, time to move on. Didn’t do a lot yesterday…but I think I’m done with Napcar…no competition and Jimmie Johnson winning the championship again….until they let there be real innovation in the cars and loosen the rules, the robots like Johnson will keep winning and it no longer fun to watch. But the Lions lost, too, so that was a plus…and they will probably lose again Thurs…didn’t do much else but make ribs yesterday…they were good but I think I overcooked them a little. Not much to do today….might have lunch with T but I’m not sure about that yet…and I have to get hold of the boys and make sure they know I’m making t-day dinner….and I hope the rain stops later so I can get a ride in…more later…

Okay…I did get the bike ride in and it was a little melancholy…I know this is the last day out in shorts and a t-shirt and that, to me, is more of a passing than the seasons….and I came back muddy from head to toe but it was a good muddy; to be able to sweat through everything on the 22nd of November is pretty cool…I may have topics later…there is one rattling around but who knows?

November 21st

Well…another crappy night of sleep and I’m waiting for the coffee to finish so I can wake up a little…I am a little excited, though, that the weather is going to be warmer today and tomorrow…I will certainly get out on the bike today and get in at least 20….with the season winding down, I need to take advantage of any reasonable day…yesterday was almost a complete bore, saved only by Netflix and cleaning….and today looks quite a bit the same…no SF but that’s okay since I want to save some cash…and there will be the last Napcar race but I don’t get excited about that like I used to…I will have a topic for later since there has been something jelling over the last couple of days…don’t know if it’s too topical but it is something that is becoming important to me….more later…

November 20th

Well…another night at home last night…and I think that is going to be the refrain for a while until I get some cash coming in…it was nice to see my atm card still works…haven’t had to take any money out all year but I needed cash today…gives me a sinking feeling when I have to do that for some reason. Oh, well…not much to do today..I just started the coffee and have a couple of newspapers waiting for me…then there will be Michigan football for later…don’t know if there is going to be anything else…but, who knows? A meteor might drop out of the sky….I do have a topic for later that I touched on way back when I started this thing….it’s about ole GW…and I think it’s a good one…more later…

One last thing…just wanted to say Happy Birthday to Joe Walsh…can’t believe he’s 63 today…if you don’t know Joe…listen to the James Gang and “The Smoker You Drink, The Player you Get” or Smoker to us fans or any of his other solo albums to get a taste of what he’s meant to rock and roll over the past 40 years…going to make it a Joe day in the car…

November 19th

Well…I’m going to get to the blue dogs after I go out for coffee but right now it’s just going to be the normal stuff…C and D did come into town and it was fun to go out and have a couple of beers….and it did force me into cleaning this place up and it looks the best it has in quite a while….I do need to get the T-day groceries today to make sure the turkey is thawed by next week but I’m not sure if I’m going to have anyone here…but, I still do the full boat dinner even if it’s just for me since I need to have turkey sandwiches and the carcass for turkey soup….not much else to do today….I did take the day off riding yesterday so I need to get back on the bike today….may take a long one since I’m running out of nice weather….still in shorts, though, for 6 more days….more later…

November 18th

Well…I was going to go out for a while last night but thought better of it…not too prudent an idea with 8 bucks in your pocket…but that’s another story…the Wings did win after a a game that they looked slow until the last 10 minutes when they scored 4 to put the Blues away…pretty cool. This should be in sports, though…I guess…but I run this thing so I get to do what I want. Didn’t do much else last night but just hang out here and not drink…and I am feeling reasonably well this morning…I wonder why I just can’t seem to remember this feeling….oh, well…we all do need to have our vices but I think I’m pretty happy that they are in check right now…but that goes to a thought that I’ve had some as I age…what am I saving the liver for? So it’s healthy when I die of some other cause? Or maybe I’ll never die….yep, that’s delusional…

Not much to do today…have to clean this joint up some since C is coming into town and is going to hang out for a while but that’s about it..no cooking to do since I did that yesterday and today is a leftover day…I may even stay off the bike today to let the little soreness heal and see how much of it is caused by riding and how much is just age….who knows? I will have some topics for later….so, come back if you’re not too bored yet…

November 17th

Well…I know, no additional topic yesterday but my mind wasn’t working well and it would have been a crappy one anyway…I promise to do better today and I try to keep my promises..but the operative word is try….did go out to Ada last night and Tom just whipped me in pool…he was hitting everything and I couldn’t shoot a straight in shot…but it was about time he won one…I think it was that he just became a grandpa Monday night…I’ll use any excuse…but the streak will end next week at one…I was a good boy on the way home and didn’t stop for manhattan ingredients…and I feel good about that this morning but still no sleep…oh, well…

Not much to do today….going to run the slow cooker with a pork loin roast but that is about it…might go out for the first perlod of the Wings game just for the hell of it but with my cash being so low, that might not be a good idea…and, of course, the normal stuff for the rest of my day…I am going to try to get some topics out today do come back if you want…you never know, it might be a good one and then you’ll have missed it…oh, that’s right, you just have to look down..it will be there…