Tag Archives: life

October 29th

Well…still feel pretty crappy today but I know now that it is a bug…and I just have to wait it out and I’ll feel better…at least I hope so…I did go out and have a couple with K last night to watch part of the Wings game…they really looked bad and lost to the Coyotes…but it is still early in the season so that’s okay. Not a lot to do today except the grocery run and that is a good thing…I think I’ll end here for now….more later…

I’m back and still feel crappy even after the bike ride and lunch…just so tired I can’t stand it…so, I’ll guess I’ll take a nap and then come back later and get to a couple of topics…

October 28th

Well…felt like crap all day yesterday but I think I actually have a bug this time…not just he aftereffects of pool night in Ada…at least that’s my story…and I do still feel kind of crappy today with a slight fever and coughing a lot so maybe I’ll have an excuse to not do anything today but take it easy…as opposed to most days when I don’t have an excuse. The chairs did survive the wind yesterday and I didn’t have to chase them…geez…this is boring…I’m even bored writing it…so, what to do?

Not much to do today….again, but there is a Wings game tonight that I’ll have to go out to see…and I do have a few things to so around here…will probably start working on maintaining the bike since it’s raining and I’ll probably take the day off…okay, my brain is not working at all this morning…so I’m going to make some breakfast and come back later…

October 27th

Well…out to Ada yesterday and feel kind of crappy today…so this one is going to be short for now…was planning on staying in for the day but have to go out to get some chicken stock to make today’s food…but I really want to just stay on the couch…yep, the depression is back with a vengeance….crap…more later…

Okay..feeling better after coffee but I need to get the workout in and then try to take the bike out…but the wind is already pretty strong so that may not happen…I’ll be back in a while to continue this…

Back again…sorry for the depressive first paragraph but that’s how I felt then…but I’m feeling better now after I got the bike ride in and had some lunch…the bike ride was really quite unusual with the wind blowing so hard but it was not as bad as I expected….just shifted down a few gears and took it easy…and now I have the prospect of taking it easy the rest of the day staring me in the face…and I don’t mind that stare at all…maybe more later…

October 26th

Well…are you getting bored with my life yet? I know I am especially since I only have things to do about once a week now…but I do have Netflix that I can watch online now…still have to try to limit it to one movie a day, though, or that’s all I’ll do and I don’t want to veg that much. It was quite a boring day yesterday…did go out with G for a couple and that was a nice diversion…I do have more work to do over there this morning but that will take all of about 15 mins so it won’t be much help for relieving the boredom. I don’t know what happened about the whole being happy thing…I had a couple of weeks where I was quite happy but it’s gone now and I’m back to where I was…and I don’t know how to get back to happy…weird….but, I’m used to being like this so it’s no great surprise. I guess I’ll keep trying to figure it out. Not much else to do today…have to get a few resumes out and then figure out what I want to cook…and then out to Ada, I think, to shoot pool. Might be seeing T later in the week but I think it will more likely be next week since she was traveling last week and you know how swamped you get back at work when you’ve been gone…more later…

Oh, look down…I wrote one about McConnell before this one…yeah, out of sequence, I know…

October 25th

Well…another month getting away from me…still no responses from all of the resumes that have gone out and I may have to face the new reality that I’ll never work again….so don’t believe all of the crap that getting retrained for the new jobs is what it takes for us older folks to get work…after all, how much more trained can you get when you already have 4 college degrees. There was an interesting segment on “60 Minutes” last night about the older workers struggles to find work; with many, many people with advanced degrees out of work for more than a year…for me, it’s been at least two years closer to three that I’ve been looking and there really are no prospects…and it is going to get worse if the repubs dismantle the rest of the safety net that has kept us eating at least. But I guess that’s a topic for the political section, huh? This is supposed to be about my life but isn’t work a huge part of life? Okay, I’ll move on and talk about my day and weekend. It was a boring weekend since I’ve not figured out this whole no friends thing yet and It is so easy to just stay here since it does save money…but I know I need to start finding new things to do, especially now that winter is coming on and that limits the possibilities somewhat. but that is not what I’m doing today…have to do some work at G’s after I work out and have my coffee and newspapers…I did get to the last 136 miles I need to get to 2K on the bike…so there will be a push this week to do 20-25 a day to make sure I make it..it is a goal after all and where are we without goals? Probably better off but I still have the last vestiges of my business career still rattling around in my head that force me to keep doing that. Oh, well…more later…oh, may have beers with G later but I’m not holding my breath…she’s skipped the last two weeks and that may signal the end of that routine, too.

October 24th

Well…just a little observation that I made this morning…when you get up early as I do, it seems that this place wakes up as the sun starts to come up… a transition that feels much like the one I undergo…as the light starts to come in the windows, it seems a tangible reminder of the passing of time and a change in character as well…I know, I’m weird, but I have to put these weird thoughts down sometimes. I did go out to watch the first two perlods of the Wings game but missed Pavel’s heroics to win it with 11 seconds left…and watching the games alone is just not the same as it used to be with the group…but here we go on that change thing again…maybe it’s time to start looking for work in another city..to make that one last move that I still have in me…two of the kids have moved and with there no longer being a group of friends to hang out with, it just might be time…I think I’ll take today and start thinking about it. Not much else to do today…but I am going to get on cleaning all of the corners of the cobwebs and the leaves; but I do have a Netflix movie that I am going to watch right now…I have the coffee ready and I really could use a chance to shut the brain off for a while….more later…

October 23rd

Yeah, I know I’m late…it’s been a busy morning and I tried a few new things that put me behind…already have the slow cooker going with a pork loin roast in it and I even went out and got three papers to read this morning…that, and coffee have made the morning pretty good so far. I did decide to go out to see Harry play last night and it was pretty cool that his set started at 7…that’s pretty early for a band but worked out well for me. And, I took it easy so I feel okay today…I might even take the day off from riding since it is still wet and I haven’t bought the fender for the rear tire….don’t like the stripe of leaves and mud that ends up on my back…just looked at the radar and it looks like it’s going to rain for quite a while so I’ll probably just clean around here….but I do have to wait to do the kitchen until after cooking…

Not much to do today…I might be meeting up with C later if he comes into town since I have to go out to watch the Wings game anyway…and I am looking forward to the State game at noon…I may have a topic or two later..probably a sports thing or maybe a philosophy treatise…well….nothing that heavy…more later…

October 22nd

Well…didn’t go out with G last night but K did come out for a couple and I did get the chance to watch the first two perlods…and they ended up with a 4-2 win so that was cool. I do feel a little better today since I didn’t go overboard but I did have some really weird dreams after I was up at 4 or so and went back to bed. I do have to do the grocery thing this morning but it will be a short one..don’t need a lot but I do have to get drain cleaner since the bathroom sink is running really slowly…yeah, exciting life, huh? That’s about it…Netflix is running again, yay! So, I’ll be able to watch some movies today and just take it easy…nothing out of the normal…more later…

Okay, it’s later and I still don’t have a topic that is grabbing me…so, do I just write anything or do I wait until there is something pertinent? I hope this isn’t the whole being happy thing that was impeding my writing earlier…because I’m not really…happy that is…maybe it’s the being up and down all night and not sleeping…I could use any one of a number of excuses but I won’t…if any of you out there write, you know how it is sometimes…that no matter how hard you try…nothing comes..but I’ve never had to explain before because no one knew when I was blocked…now it’s out there for the world to see (or the small world of you that read this stuff) and I think that makes it tougher at times….blah, blah, blah…..I’ll keep trying…

October 21st part two…

Well…yeah, I know…my stuff hasn’t been as good as I like lately and it’s weird when the brain just goes off the rails and nothing I do helps at all…but, I guess that means I just have to keep trying, to keep doing this until the dam breaks again and I can be somewhat lucid. Good luck, huh? There is a bit of irony that I have to pass on that has been making me amused today…as you know, I replaced the dsl yesterday with cable internet to be able to use the internet like normal folks; to be able to watch videos and other media online without the buffering that the dsl needed. Well…I did get through a couple of movies on Netflix yesterday…no death screens or resetting the player at all…pretty cool…but, today, the whole damn Netflix site is down so I still can’t watch the movies I’m paying for…but, I am taking an amused view about the whole thing…part of the “trying to not get upset” process that I am trying out to some small success. There wasn’t a lot to do today…yay…I got it in…so I didn’t do much….still feeling crappy but, as I said before, I think there is a bug component there since I still have a fever…or it feels like it anyway. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it…there are some plans for this evening..may be meeting G for a couple and then I have to stay out for a while to see part of the Wings game…still haven’t found a site that I can use to stream the game…and the dish people and Fox are still working on the contract so I can get FSD again…oh,well…maybe I should do a Wings update later? Or that Nascar one that I promised…who knows?

October 21st

Well…kind of a strange day yesterday….not really strange but…yeah, strange. I did get the cable internet set up and it is so fast I can’t believe it..watched a couple of movies on Netflix and no “red screen of death” and it only takes about 10 seconds to load versus the 5 minutes or so that it took with the dsl. I still feel pretty crappy today so it must be a bug or something…so I’m going to take it easy today and just hang out….not much to do anyway…I’ll put the grocery shopping off until tomorrow but I will get to some topics today…there is a new one about the Koch brothers and their buying votes on the supreme court that could be interesting if I can flesh it out enough…we’ll see…more later…