Well…are you getting bored with my life yet? I know I am especially since I only have things to do about once a week now…but I do have Netflix that I can watch online now…still have to try to limit it to one movie a day, though, or that’s all I’ll do and I don’t want to veg that much. It was quite a boring day yesterday…did go out with G for a couple and that was a nice diversion…I do have more work to do over there this morning but that will take all of about 15 mins so it won’t be much help for relieving the boredom. I don’t know what happened about the whole being happy thing…I had a couple of weeks where I was quite happy but it’s gone now and I’m back to where I was…and I don’t know how to get back to happy…weird….but, I’m used to being like this so it’s no great surprise. I guess I’ll keep trying to figure it out. Not much else to do today…have to get a few resumes out and then figure out what I want to cook…and then out to Ada, I think, to shoot pool. Might be seeing T later in the week but I think it will more likely be next week since she was traveling last week and you know how swamped you get back at work when you’ve been gone…more later…
Oh, look down…I wrote one about McConnell before this one…yeah, out of sequence, I know…