Are they this stupid in Georgia?

Well…another day, another “religious freedom” law is passed in a repub controlled state…this time it’s Georgia pandering to the haters in their state by allowing anyone to discriminate against anyone if they feel like it…I know they thought they were being smart by keeping their law vague so they could hide behind the vagueness and use that to say that anyone that thinks it’s a license to discriminate is wrong…but that vagueness just means that the haters can basically discriminate against anyone…don’t like interracial couples? Check, you’re covered…discriminate away…don’t like gays? Check, you’re covered…discriminate away….don’t like the color of someone’s hair? If it’s a “strongly held religious belief” you are free to discriminate against them…and if you think this is anything but a childish tantrum against the 14th amendment’s equal protection clause…you are an idiot. The delicious irony here is that many large companies…Coke, Disney, Marvel, AMC (the Walking Dead) Home Depot…among others have said that they will leave the state if the idiot governor, Deal signs this atrocious bill into law. Now, we know the so called “religious” right has sway in the south…but I applaud these companies for not using their dollars to support this backward crap…explain this to your citizens, Deal, that their jobs are now gone and 4 billion dollars in economic activity has left your state just so a small group of assholes can discriminate against your fellow citizens…I’d love to hear that conversation….geez…

A non apology apology…

Well…Paul Ryan…what else do I have to say? This idiot came out today and said he was sorry he made the comments about “makers” vs. “takers” during the campaign that he lost and tried mightily to walk back the fact that this apology is not an apology at all…unless you think that just apologizing for the words he said makes up for the rest of the crap he is still supporting in his latest budget proposal. Things like cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, food stamps, and every other program that tries to make life a little more bearable for the poor here in the US…I wonder when he will apologize for that? For being the clean dish washing liar that he is…for being the budget “guru” who uses magical thinking and magical math to try to make tax cuts for the rich look like they won’t result in more of the huge deficits that Obama inherited from the last round of the tax cuts that the repubs just “knew” (without any evidence) would grow the economy and create jobs. So, no, Paul…we in the reality based world don’t accept your fake apology any more than we accept your fake budgets or fake dish washing…it’s all just a scam to provide a smoke screen to hurt the American people and give more of the country away to the rich….geez…

March 23rd

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a bunch of work done around here so that was cool…still have more to do today but it won’t be the three hours I did yesterday…slept okay last night and feel okay this morning since I have been good for three days now and tonight will be another…I do need to have 4 days a week that I am good to give my body a rest….I did have to do the grocery run this morning since there was a winter storm watch on that has since been cancelled…the 8 inches of snow has turned into a half inch of rain today and that does not break my heart at all….so, I guess I could have waited until tomorrow but there may be a little ice on the roads and the summer tires won’t really deal with that too well….I may have to go back again tomorrow anyway since I forgot about half the stuff on my list….not much to do today…have a bunch of repairs to my equipment that need to be done today and that will be the agenda after I get the workout in and get the rest of the work done…more later….

Dumb and dumber….

Well…with the attacks on Brussels yesterday and the loss of life there, of course we have the repub candidates spouting off what needs to happen next here in the US….yeah…an attack on Europe means that these idiots have another chance to politicize the suffering of the victims for their own benefit…starting with ole Donald this morning going on the morning shows saying that, if he was president, he would close the borders and start torturing people to try to get “information” he never said what information or who from but he was damn sure that torturing was the way to get it….then, he went on to brag that he was right about every terrorist attack ever in the history of the world and then drove down the nonsense rathole that he seems to always go down…can’t even figure out what he means most of the time…then, we have ole Ted Cruz saying that we need new laws to allow the police to “patrol and secure” Muslim areas of the country…and, I would assume, enter Muslim American homes to make sure that there is nothing going on…never mind that this is just what the English did that triggered the Revolutionary War and led to the 4th amendment that ole Ted is supposed to revere….I just can’t believe these guys are the leaders of the modern repub party…well…yeah, I can..they are the distillation of the hate and fear that the repubs have won elections on for the past 30 years….I’m just glad it’s out in the open now so the rest of us can see that reality…it’s not pretty…..geez…

March 22nd

Well…running a little late this morning for absolutely no reason that I can think of…slept kind of okay and I think the bug is finally going away but I’m still coughing so maybe not…had another coffee maker die yesterday and didn’t want to buy another one so I took the three dead ones and made a usable one that will get me by until I see one on sale…kind of feel like McGyver this morning….I did make some cash yesterday so that was cool but now I need to get to work so I can make more…should have enough cash now to get through a month or so and I won’t feel bad about buying groceries this week…I did get a better bike ride in yesterday and had some life in my legs for the first time in a while and I want to get out again this morning before the wind comes up much more…and, it looks like the big snow that was coming tomorrow has shifted north so it will be mostly rain here…and that is a good thing…I’m done with snow for the year and have the summer tires on the car….not much to do today…need to get the exercise in and then cleaning…maybe a little other work, too, but I’m not sure…more later….

It’s the Supreme Court, stupid….

Well…now that we have heard from the turtle man McConnell that, under no circumstances will he allow any hearings to be held on a new supreme court justice until he loses the job of majority leader….I am at a loss to understand his end game…I mean, what does he expect to gain from this? Another Scalia? That is never going to happen and, unless he is the most stupid person in the world (which I think he is) he can’t think he will get anyone farther to the right than Garland. Go ahead, Mitch, hold this one up until we take back the senate and you will get another Ginsburg who will push the court farther to the left than the current nominee. The latest outrage in this whole mess is ole Mitch’s statement yesterday that he won’t allow any hearings on anyone that the NRA disapproves of…yep, you heard it right, Mitch is now giving up his job to the NRA…now, I’ve read the constitution and there is not one mention of the NRA advising and consenting on supreme court justices…I am just shaking my head here today on how far off the rails the repubs have gone….and they need to go…get out and vote people…this needs to stop….

March 21st

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I won at pool…a shortened pool day but I still won…my damn coffeemaker quit on me this morning and I am irritated….the old one I got for 9 bucks at Target 15 years ago still works but this is the second one that has failed in the last year….slept okay last night but feel like crap today and have no energy so it will be a low key day today….didn’t get anything done yesterday and today looks the same….just have no motivation to do anything….so, I am going back to the couch to look for a new coffeemaker….more later….

March 20th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done…slept okay last night but feel a little slow this morning…the bike ride shook the crap loose in my lungs yesterday and I have been coughing since…and the ride was just brutal with the wind and cold so I think I’ll take the day off today….I did get my fed check yesterday so I’ll be able to pay the rent in April and that freed up the cash in the drawer so I can buy groceries for the next couple of weeks…not sore anywhere but my legs and that is okay….I know why they hurt so I can cope with that….need to get some stuff done today but I’m not sure if I will…may have pool today and that will take the afternoon that I usually use to clean…but, I wasn’t going to do that anyway so I guess that’s okay….not much to do today…pool, maybe, and that will be about it…not feeling any energy right now so I need more coffee and the couch…more later….

Republican economics…

Well…as repubs elected to state houses trash the economies of their states with their faith based economics, more and more examples come up where it is clear that all repubs are on the grift…enriching themselves and their cronies while cutting everything that makes a state livable for the masses. The latest example comes from Alabama, where the repub governor Robert Bentley just gave his staff, and others, raises of almost 75K per year while they were passing a law that prevents any municipality from raising the minimum wage to allow people to get a living wage…yep, you heard that right…enrich the rich and the people that have been giving tax breaks to corporations and cutting services across the state get a big raise for it…and this is not the only shenanigans the idiot Bentley has done…just last year he took 2 million dollars from the BP oil settlement that is supposed to be used to help the people that were hurt by the spill, and used that money to rebuild a little used governors mansion for his use…these guys have turned these states into little more than tin pot dictatorships where they steal everything for themselves and the hell with the people they are supposed to govern….this is the modern repub, folks..take a good look…geez…

March 19th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday but no pool….I did get out on the bike later in the day but with the wind, it was a brutal ride….slept okay last night but it was kind of cold in here for some reason…and I still feel cold even though the temp is set at the normal 75 degrees….after being off the bike for a few days, my legs are really sore from going into the wind and they shouldn’t be….probably from not taking any ibuprofen before I went…will need to do the thermasuit today since it is never going to get above 40 today….didn’t get anything done yesterday but make a ham so I will need to get some cleaning done since I won’t do anything if we shoot pool tomorrow….need to vacuum again and clean the stove since I cooked yesterday and made a little bit of a mess…and I like having a clean kitchen…not much to do today…watching soccer now and the 12 hours of Sebring is on later this morning so I won’t be bored…more later….

What you never want to be….