All posts by James DeVol

Jose Mourinho has no class…

Well…this one is going to be about soccer so I thought I’d get that out so you’ll know whether or not to continue reading….okay, so yesterday morning I was pretty excited that the ‘Community Shield” match was on tv…pitting the top two teams from last year in the BPL (British Premiere League)…and it was a pretty good match since Chelsea lost to Arsenal….I always root against Chelsea for some reason that I don’t know and I was happy to see Arsenal win…but, what happened after with the coach of Chelsea was one of the most no class things I’ve seen in a while….after getting their medals for second place…Jose Mourinho, the coach of Chelsea, was greeeting and shaking the hands of some of the Arsenal players he knows but when Arsenne Wenger, the coach of Arsenal got to him Mourinho turned his back on him and walked off the field, throwing his second place medal into the stands….just like a petulant little boy…this idiot disrespected everyone involved with putting on the charity game with his antics and I think he should be ashamed…geez…

Trump slush….

Well….just had to do a short one on ole Donald’s latest comment on Obama and his presidency….the other day, ole Donald said that it will be generations before we elect another black president since he thinks Obama has been a “failure”…..yep, a failure..who helped end the financial crisis, who worked to get millions of more Americans health insurance, and who worked with our allies to negotiate an end to Iran’s nuclear bomb program. I wish more presidents would fail like that. but the funny thing here is, by the Donald’s logic, we won’t elect another white president since the last one was such a failure…do you ever think before you open your mouth, you idiot? Man…have to try to figure out when stupidity became a requirement for the repubs to run for president…geez…

JEB!’s the smart one?

Well…as you all know, the repubs don’t really care about the constitution or the law for that matter unless it can be used to hurt people they don’t like…and, a couple of days ago ole JEB! showed just how much they respect the law when he proposed, if he were elected president, that he would unilaterally cut the pay of members of congress if they didn’t show up to vote on everything that is proposed…now, nevermind that their were over 5400 bills introduced last year and that would make it something like 20 a day they would have to vote on…the big takeaway here is that his little scheme is unconstitutional….the executive branch can’t do anything to the legislative…the founders set it up that way to ensure that power is never concentrated in one branch…and, if ole JEB! could control their pay, you can bet he would use it to punish those who didn’t vote ole JEB!’s way….I am not surprised that this idiot would propose something like this….he was supposed to be the smart one…and I am shuddering to think that ole GW may be the smart one compared to JEB! yow…..

August 3rd

Well…it’s back to the old routine today after getting the site back up Friday…so, here we go….it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get anything done…again…so today will have to be different….the storms were a little disappointing but the fog this morning wasn’t…pretty cool to wake up to but it is burning off now before I get the chance to ride the bike in it…slept okay but went to bed dearly out of just sheer boredom so that made for an early morning today….but, I feel okay so it will be a workout and bike ride day….not even sore at all but I will still take something before I get on the bike since my wrists have been killing me when I ride….not much to do today…need to clean and go out for a new coffee maker but that is about it…and then come back here for another one after I read the news to get some topics…more later….

Just waiting…

Well…sitting here waiting for the storms to come and thought I’d try to use my time a little better than just watching tv…the wind has been crazy today and it is getting even worse now…I’m glad I have my grill chained to the porch or it would be gone…but, that’s not really what I wanted to talk about…I am not sure if I’m going to watch the repub debate this thurs night…on one hand, it will be just the same old crap talking points from all of them…not sure why they are even having a debate really since they all get their talking points from their billionaires every day and there is little difference between any of them…tax cuts for the rich and the hell with anyone else seems to be what we’ll hear a lot of….and that women can’t control their own bodies since the repubs know better than a woman and her doctor….but, I may watch some of it just to see ole Trump go off on the rest of them and to see just how they are going to out crazy each other….but, then I’d need some brain bleach and I am fresh out of it..I do have one to do about Trump tomorrow…but there are so many things to write about I think it will take some time to narrow it down…or, there may be  tornado tonight that I have to comment on….

August 2nd

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done…I did drag the old coffee maker out so I could have coffee this morning…slept okay but no dreams again and that disappoints me some….not really sore today so I think the aspirin and ibuprofen is working quite well…and yesterday’s ride was almost normal so that was cool….and it looks like I need to get out early today to beat the storms that are coming later in the day….I sure hope we get some since some damn bird crapped on my car and I just washed it….not much to do today…going to just take it easy and clean a little…don’t even have to cook today other than veggies so I’m just going to enjoy it and let it flow…more later….


Well….have been sitting here today thinking about things…one weird thing that happened today still has me shaking my head…the wind was blowing pretty hard and I had the windows open with a flower pot on the sill…well…a gust comes up and pushes that 2 lb flower pot off the sill and into my coffee maker, breaking the damn carafe and spilling coffee everywhere….never have I seen anything like that…looks like I’ll have to drag the old 9 dollar one out to make coffee tomorrow…glad I kept it….is anyone else kind of creeped out by the new Col. Sanders? Every time I see those commercials, I think of Jon Stewart’s GW impression….I think I may have said that before….I have been making some money lately and that has meant lots of food around here…I think that has helped the dead legs on the bike but it is still hard to keep eating more….it is sure nice to have this thing working again….I missed doing these and having something to do…said that, too, I guess….it has been a nice day today but I haven’t really done anything but veg out…and that looks like the rest of the day, too….okay, that’s enough…going to watch part of the auction…..

Mike Huckabee is still an idiot…

Well…I am just amazed at the crap that comes out of this guy’s mouth…if he is not comparing the “oppression” of Christians in the US to the Holocaust, he is going off about what he will do if he is elected president…and that includes ramming his religion down everyone’s throat. The latest this frickin idiot spewed is that, when president, he will use the army and the FBI to go after and lock up anyone who performs abortions in the US…nevermind that using the army on US soil is illegal and that abortion is still legal…he thinks that any president can pick and choose what supreme court rulings he has to follow….I wonder if he understands the oath of office that includes “to protect the constitution”? Nope…but the good thing is, he will NEVER be president…what an ass…geez…

The great mole-pocalypse of 2015

Well….with the site being down, I am now working on remembering all of the thoughts I had over the past week and getting them down here…so, since my memory is not linear, there will probably be little order to them…but, there really never is so that shouldn’t be a problem…as you know, when something unusual gets my attention when I am heading out on the bike, I just start counting to kind of quantify how weird it is with numbers…you’ve seen me do that with tiny bunnies, snakes, deer, turtles, and anything else that is on the trail…some time last week, I started out and saw a couple of dead moles on the way out of the lot here so I started counting…and at the end of the 15 miles I had counted 47 dead moles…not sure why they were dying on the pavement like that but is was kind of strange…in the days since, I haven’t seen even one of them…weird….

August 1st

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I won at pool so that was cool…and the ride out and back with the top down was fun….slept okay last night but no dreams but I am getting used to that…not sure why I’m not sore today since I have been for the past week or so…just haven’t been able to get comfortable on the bike and I’m not sure why…and the legs have been good and then flat alternating from day to day…going to do a hard ride today and see what the deal is…not sure if it is the fallout from the bug I had a few weeks back or what but I sure don’t like it….it looks like a nice day out there with no wind so it will be a good one to go hard….not much to do today…bought a 10 pound frozen mass of chicken that I have to let thaw so I can break it up and put it back in the freezer and then I’m going to grill some pork for lunch…I should clean since the spiders have invaded again but I’m not sure I have the motivation to do that…we’ll see…right now I need more coffee…more later…