December 24th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but a little too busy for my taste…got the grocery run done and then the exercise, then out to have lunch with T and then out to have a couple with G….too much for one day but I lived through it so that was cool…getting a head start on the night leaves me a little slow today, though, so there will be much coffee today…slept okay last night but had no dreams again so what’s the point? Got through the night with no pain in the tooth and that is a big plus and it looks like that is continuing today…there is still a little pain but nothing like it was so I’ll take it….not much to do today…going to get the workout in and a bike ride and then basically nothing for the rest of the day…I do want to do the bathroom so I can do the kitchen tomorrow but we’ll see if that happens…more later…

Alone at Christmas…

Well…have been thinking about something to write today and just came up with an idea to talk about being alone at Christmas…now, most people have the idea that to be alone at Christmas is a lonely, bad thing and something needs to be done to make sure no one is alone on this supposed “special” day. Let me tell you this….I am spending my 8th or 10th one alone and could not be happier…since I’m not a religious person…the whole idea of celebrating something tied to religion is anethema to me…it seems like doing it would be an acceptance of the religious underpinnings that are clearly fake…if there even was a Jesus, he certainly wasn’t born in December…but, that wouldn’t matter anyway….all of this stuff is just fairy tales concocted by ignorant goatherders whose superstitions are being treated as fact by many of the people in this country…okay…that’s the end of my screed on religion…all I want to say is that I get to lie on my couch and read the paper, while I’m having a relaxing coffee and then get a nice bike ride in on Thursday…and, then make venison tacos for my dinner with the possibility of a nap thrown in there…I’ll bet my Christmas would be the one that many people would have if they could…I’m going to be relaxing…how about you?

December 23rd

Well…running early today with the crappy sleep and getting up early so I thought I’d get this one done before I have to get going….it looks like a kind of busy day with doing the final grocery run before thursday and getting the workout and bike ride in early this morning before I may have lunch with T….I do need to get some degreaser today to try to clean up the shifter on the bike and get it to shift again…the dirt and sand that got in it last week has made it a pain and just lubing it has not worked so far…but, I won’t get to that today…I think I’ll save that for tomorrow or do it after lunch….the tooth hurt again last night and I’m not sure what it happening with that….I must be sleeping on it or something since it doesn’t hurt at all during the day….not much to do today…well…that’s not really true…but, I’ve already talked about that so I won’t do it again…more later….

RIP Joe Cocker…

Well…just read on the news that Joe Cocker has died at the age of 70….I remember seeing him in the film “Woodstock” and was just fascinated with the intensity he showed in not only that performance but in every other one that I saw…an especially funny one was when he was on “Saturday Night Live” and during the performance John Belushi came out in his Joe Cocker character and I just laughed my butt off…just listened to his version of “Feeling alright” on the ride today…what a great blues voice… RIP Joe….


Well…have been reading of the process that went on in the grand jury for the Ferguson case and this bombshell was just dropped…one of the star witnesses…the so called witness 40….the one who has been quoted by fox news as the credible one that backed up the officer’s story exactly? Yeah, that one…the one that the prosecutor knew was lying and let her testify anyway? The one that perjured herself over 100 times in her testimony? Yep, that one again…and the fact that the prosecutor knew she was never at the scene and all of her testimony was fake is against so many laws that the prosecutor may have to be charged with crimes of his own. At the very least, there needs to be a special prosecutor and a new grand jury convened to make sure justice is served…and these types wonder why there is less and less respect for the law….that cops get to shoot unarmed people and get away with it…that the banksters get to crash the economy and steal billions and get away with it…and the torturers and their bosses torture and kill innocent people and get away with it…that is why I have less respect for the law…there is supposed to be equal treatment for all…I guess it’s like the description in “Animal Farm” …”everyone is equal but pigs are just a little more equal than others…”   geez…

December 22nd

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was cool…slept okay but still feel a little sluggish this morning so I may have to take it easy for a while….didn’t get much done yesterday but I did get the bike ride in…I do have to work on the shifter since I rode in the rain last week…sticks both up and down so I need to clean it so it works again…just annoying….can’t remember going out that late…it was almost dark when I got back here…but, the work gloves inside of the insulated ones helped…hands were only half frozen when I got back…not much to do today…and that is true…I am going to clean the bathroom and the stove if I can work up the ambition…more later…

I’d laugh if this wasn’t so sad…

Well…I really do need to stop reading anything anyone on the right has to say about anything…the tortured logic hurts my head. The latest bit of nonsense comes from ole Rudy Giuliani who, with the killing of two police officers in New York, has decided that Obama and the protesters of police brutality are to blame since they “inflamed” passions with their condemnation of the murders of unarmed minorities. So, let me get this straight…it’s the protesters of police brutality that are to blame…not the police and the rampant brutality that permeates police forces across the nation? If there wasn’t any brutality, there wouldn’t be any protests…seems simple, huh?  To thinking people who aren’t washed up political hacks it is simple…stop the brutality, regain the respect of the people you are supposed to protect and to serve….geez….

December 21st

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and it was fun to get out and see K for a couple….slept okay and the tooth didn’t hurt much so that was a plus….no dreams to speak of and I wonder what the point of sleeping is if you don’t get a movie to go with it? I did get out on the bike yesterday but froze and that was not good…had a hard time getting warm after it and the effects lasted most of the rest of the day…couldn’t use my hands for about a half hour after I got back here and they still have a little pain today…but, I’m still going out today and do it again…yep, pretty stupid but I need the exercise….not much to do today..I have to eat more today since I was under the goal by about a thousand calories yesterday….I do have to run an errand this aft but that is about it…I am a little excited about the Lions game today since it will be  good to see them beat the Bears twice in one season…more later…

December 20th

Well…running a little late today and there is really no reason for it other than I’m just taking it slow today…it was an okay day yesterday and I got a care package of venison so that was cool…even had some steaks for lunch that were so tender I couldn’t believe it…slept okay last night but no dreams to speak of again but that is okay, too…I did get the tooth to not hurt overnight for the first time in months and that made for better sleep than it has been….I am a little irritated with T since we were supposed to meet up for HH yesterday but I never heard from her…not even an “I can’t make it” text and I think that shows a lack of respect for me that I am getting tired of….especially since it is the second time that happened this week….not much to do today…have to watch Man U play at 10 and I am making a ham dinner for lunch so that will be good…then a run out to Tom’s in the aft but that is about it…need to get on the bike if it gets warm enough before I need to go…more later….

One last thing about Cuba…

Well…in all of the stuff I’ve read about Cuba over the past few days, one thing I thought of has not been mentioned…that is the fact that with this stroke, Obama has taken the reason away that the Castros’ have used to explain away the poverty and lack of growth that Cuba has seen over the past 50 has always been the US’s fault…everything that has ever gone wrong has been blamed on us but now that is going to go away and the people running the place are going to have to put up or shut up…just my thought….

What you never want to be….