Well…not that the media has picked up on and started to report on the fascism that the 2025 project it includes, the repubs are doing their best to try to convince people that they are abandoning it but it’s all a lie…there are still hundreds of people working behind the scenes to implement it even if the idiot trump loses…so to us on the left, we need to keep the details in the spotlight…like they want to fire all of the government employees who were the bulwark against the worst excesses of trump and his minions and replace them all with trump loyalists to ensure that nothing good happens for the people anymore…it’s just another spin on the theme that the government can’t do anything right especially when unqualified repubs are put in jobs that need expertise…then they point and say “see, government doesn’t work” so then they cut everything that benefits workers and protect their health and the environment…that isĀ a big part of the 2025 project…to get rid of all regulations that protect us and make us vulnerable to the whims of big corporations…and that’s just part of it…and it is very much alive…geez…
Tag Archives: 2025 project
Two things…
Well…with all of the ridiculous bleating on the right and left that Joe should step down from the presidential race because they don’t think he can do the job…I have a question…what the hell is he doing right now if it’s not the job of being president? Hosting a NATO summit this week, meeting with congress, and all of the rest…do you see him taking “executive time” like the idiot trump did every day and not even doing anything until after noon? Geez people…shut the hell up about Joe not being able to be president…I’m supporting him right til the end of his next term…second, I think a great new ad would be to take a few of the worst promises of the 2025 project and the on a split screen put up the dem policy that would show how greedy and mean the repubs want to get…no rights for anyone but straight, white, christians…and that doesn’t sell well with the public…I think exposing this repub manifesto is the most important thing we can do to ensure a blue wave this fall…geez…
Read the 2025 project…
Well…if you’re sitting on the fence about voting…and I sure hope you’re not…you need to go out and find a copy of the repubs 2025 project that will turn this country into a christo fascist theocracy if the idiot trump cheats his way to another election…some high point include rounding up every undocumented immigrant (only brown ones, of course), putting them in camps and then deporting them…hey, I think you should ask the farmers in Florida who had most of their crops rotting in the field when the repubs there passed a law saying that any latino person could be arrested so they all left…and women are going to be the target of these assholes…no birth control, no abortions, IVF, monitoring women’s periods…and they are even floating taking away the right to vote…and don’t think the courts are going to protect you…especially since a few of them are already members of christian cults and believe that women should be kept in their place…so folks, just because you live in a state like Michigan that, for now, has enshrined women’s rights in the constitution…federal law will override them…and they really plan to come down hard on the LGBTQ community…essentially outlawing being gay or transgender…believe them when they say it and get out to vote in the most important election in any of our lives…geez…