The 2025 project is not going away…

Well…not that the media has picked up on and started to report on the fascism that the 2025 project it includes, the repubs are doing their best to try to convince people that they are abandoning it but it’s all a lie…there are still hundreds of people working behind the scenes to implement it even if the idiot trump loses…so to us on the left, we need to keep the details in the spotlight…like they want to fire all of the government employees who were the bulwark against the worst excesses of trump and his minions and replace them all with trump loyalists to ensure that nothing good happens for the people anymore…it’s just another spin on the theme that the government can’t do anything right especially when unqualified repubs are put in jobs that need expertise…then they point and say “see, government doesn’t work” so then they cut everything that benefits workers and protect their health and the environment…that isĀ  a big part of the 2025 project…to get rid of all regulations that protect us and make us vulnerable to the whims of big corporations…and that’s just part of it…and it is very much alive…geez…

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