Tag Archives: 375 prosecutors

375 prosecutors can’t be wrong…

Well…amid the cries of “no obstruction” coming from the criminal in chief, today we have the counterpoint to those lies coming from 375 former federal prosecutors who today stated unequivocally in an online posting that the only reason that idiot boy was not charged with multiple felonies of obstruction of justice is that he is president…and they made this judgement with just the evidence that was presented in the Mueller report…not the underlying evidence that supports the report. No matter how much the criminal in chief bleats that he is innocent, the evidence shows that he is a multiple felon, not even counting the campaign finance violations that the SDNY convicted Michael Cohen of and that Cohen has testified he was ordered to do by trump. Ole donnie boy better start sweating because of his continued attacks on the rule of law…there is going to be at least one prosecutor who will take all this evidence and charge him after he is out of office…there is a lot of institutional pride in people in the justice system that will want to ensure that no one is above the law…and, let’s remember all of the things that were not addressed in the Mueller report…namely trump’s finances and tax returns that are widely suspected to be a swamp of fraud and that are under investigation across the country. Poor, poor donnie…bluster and attack all you want…you are going to jail after your squatting in the WH is done…and there is not a damn thing you can do about it…or Mueller testifying to the House…tick tock asshole…impeach…