Well…this is pretty damn funny…read an article this morning where Putin is offering any American right wing asshole 25 acres of land if they move to Russia…and all I have to say is “let them go”…let’s get rid of this cancer on our country and send them somewhere they already support…if you listen to them, they all want Russia to win in Ukraine, and they all support whatever Putin is doing…like hate on LGBTQ people, trans people, indigenous people, women…you get the point, it’s just what the right wingers here do so go to Russia…oh, but leave your guns here since they are outlawed in Russia…oh, and you better take everything you need to homestead since there is nothing available to build a house or any electricity or water or even toilets…why do you think the Russian thugs are stealing everything they can in Ukraine? No fridges are available in Russia…as there are no other things that big mouth right wingers here take for granted…no comfy couch, no high fat foods, no nothing…but, I so want them to go since they think they are so tough…and then have them slink back here…or even better, throw them into the illegal war in Ukraine…and you know that will happen if any of these loud mouths go…good riddance….