Tag Archives: abandoned supporters

Pretty damn funny…and right on the nose…

Well…I’m sure by now that you’ve read about the idiot trump’s “rally” in California over the weekend where he lied about where it was being held saying that it was the Coachella fairgrounds where a huge music festival is held every year…yeah that’s not where it was…it was on a small patch of farmland that he was using for free since the owners are huge trumpsters…but that’s not the funny part…the parking lots for the cultists to use were a couple of miles away from the site and people were bused from there to the stage area…but the busses left before they could take the people back to their cars…so that left these old idiot trump supporters to walk two miles in the dark across farmland and trump laughed about it that “people have to stay to the end” after they had been walking out in droves from almost all of his “rallys”….the funniest part is why the busses left…the trump campaign stiffed the bus company so they told the drivers to leave since they knew idiot boy’s reputation for not paying his bills…will it matter that he screwed over his cult followers…nope, they will rationalize and make excuses that Harris had something to do with the busses leaving them stranded…and then come back to lap up more of his cult slop…that’s who they are…geez…