Tag Archives: Adderal


Well…just can’t get motivated to do a long one on a single topic so I think I’ll give you a smorgasbord on a few short ones instead…I just love it that Nancy has just told everyone that she’ll send over the articles of impeachment when she is damn good and ready…and then added soon…and that means not until she gets what she wants for the American people…a trial that is fair to them and gets to the truth…and, of course, trump’s drones in the senate went ballistic since they have already said that they will vote him innocent and don’t need no stinkin evidence to do it….just go a laugh when the NY state Bar Assn just asked the House to investigate bill Barr for his unethical behavior since he has been in office…which includes lying to congress and the American people…and conspiring with trump in extorting Ukraine for personal political gain…so we could have a AG who has been disbarred in the next couple of months…could only happen in a repub administration….did you see the news conference that the Adderal addled idiot gave yesterday? Cripes…he sure looked like someone who has been on a coke binge for a week and spoke like it too…like he didn’t know what to do with his tongue and the damn sniffing, sniffing, sniffing means he had just snorted something before he went out….I wonder who his dealer is? And who in the WH is crushing the Adderal up for him and getting it ready? Okay…that’s enough for now…I may come back for another one later if I feel like it but who knows?