Tag Archives: all out war

All out war…

Well…let’s get this straight right out front…I hate republicans…or the modern iteration of the win at all cost republicans who see no problem with destroying this country just to hang on to power a little longer as the demographic wave builds and we get ready to take back at least the house in a month and, fingers crossed, the senate, too. While we wait for that time, it is time to declare all out war on the repubs and states controlled by them….and this means boycotts of any companies that do business in states who take a way a women’s right to choose after Kavanaugh and his cronies strike down Roe…and any state that restricts voting rights to try to keep dems from voting and, with the economic power that blue states wield, that means no more conferences, travel, or even buying goods from red states…that also means that when we learn that executives at Facebook throw huge parties to celebrate Kavanaugh being installed on the SC, that Facebook and it’s advertisers are also targeted for boycotts…or just stop damn using it…it rots your brain anyway and is just a huge waste of time not to mention they can’t be trusted…and I am tired of the calls for “dialog” with the right in this country…no damn more…I don’t want to hear a damn thing from any of them and I will never, ever listen to any of those idiots again…I mean, how stupid do you have to be to vote for trump? Or, how much of a racist? This is all out war that we need to wage on every damn front…get out to vote, support voting rights and make daily decisions that stop supporting any company or person on the right…that’s it…they wanted a war? We’ll give them one….charge…