Well…after the idiot trump debacle Wed night and the blowback that the network is getting for hand picking an audience of trump lovers and giving idiot boy and hour to spew his lies and hate, CNN makes it even worse with trotting some of their anchors out to defend the company’s choice of giving the idiot all that free time…and the worst was Anderson Cooper who blamed it all on the audience for not “getting” what CNN was going for by giving trump free air time…the same damn mistake that they have made since the start…trying to make money off the idiot by pushing every damn stupid thing he has said or done on a continuous loop…and no Anderson, the tv audience didn’t “learn” anything new from that hour of shit..after all they got the same tired bullshit the idiot boy trots out every time…all the lies and hate that he loves to dish out…and you should have learned by now there is no good reason to ever have the idiot on again…the ratings even sucked so you probably lost money for doing it…nice job! Geez…