Tag Archives: anthony weiner

Bear with me a while…

Well…just wanted to say a few things before I go off and make lunch…first, I haven’t really had time to read up on the repub debate last night so I won’t be able to comment for a while since I do want to have something pertinent to say that is not as banal as I can be, as you know….I do have an injury that is hampering my writing somewhat…the carpal tunnel has come back and I can barely use my right wrist…but that’s not an excuse…the last I checked, my wrist is not used for thinking….okay, I need to make lunch…I will be back later with more..so, come on back after you get back from lunch and get some work done….

I have a question about the whole Anthony Weiner thing…how can the repubs say a word when they still have David Vitter in the senate who actually broke the law by paying prostitutes over the course of many years? I do not agree at all with what Weiner did but none of it was illegal….just narcissistic and stupid. One other thing that made me smile a little was a new Pew poll that came out today on the Obama/Israel flap that went on a couple of weeks ago…it basically shows that the people are not buying the lies that the righties are putting out about it…even from the repubs themselves. So, maybe people are tiring of the lies from the right and finally want America to get back to the business of taking care of it’s people; not just scoring political points for the small right-wing base…we can only hope…

It’s not that easy…

Well…don’t have a long-form topic again today…it seems that there are so many things up in the air about my life that I’m just not thinking clearly enough to be lucid for long periods of time. So, this is going to be a short one with a few topics….let’s start with Anthony Weiner…what a fricking idiot…what the heck is wrong with politicians these days? Don’t they understand that electronic records last forever once they hit the web? I’m not sure if he should resign but this whole incident just shows that he’s not too bright…but what politician is? Hmmm…oh, the whole lost jobs thing in Obama’s term…the repubs just keep lying about the issue and no one is calling them on it….blaming Obama for the 2 million jobs lost before he even took office…so, that means he’s responsible for 9/11, Katrina, and anything else that happened before he was sworn in, too, I guess. Then, we have ole Tim Pawlenty coming out with his economic plan that includes more tax cuts and a promise that these cuts will result in a 5% growth rate for the economy….never has happened…never will happen….these guys are just pulling figures out of their asses and their base is eating it up…I really fear for this country now…geez…