Well…another day goes by and another jaw dropping moment comes from ole Boehner….today, there was supposed to be a meeting in one of the senate offices of three of the anti-gay hate groups that purport to be the “protectors of the true family” here in the US, but the repub senator that initially sponsored the event found out what these groups really are and canceled the room saying he will not associate with groups that discriminate…so, good on you Senator Kirk. But, when these groups started to whine, guess who stepped in to sanction this hate…yep, ole Boehner found them space in the house offices and proceeded to cozy up to these idiots…hmmm…maybe idiots like to hang out with other idiots? These are the same groups that found that their hate wasn’t selling here in the US anymore so they went overseas to get laws passed in Russia that discriminate against gays there….and were instrumental in getting the “kill the gays” laws passed in Uganda that make it a death penalty offense to just be gay…yep, these are the types of groups that the repubs are embracing as their ideas are rejected by more and more of the US…I’ll bet ole Boehner would find a room for the KKK if they asked him…what a poor excuse for a human being…and, I’m still not sure if he is stupid or crazy…probably both..geez….