Well…yeah, I’m running late today with doing 46 miles on the bike and the grocery run along with cleaning since my brother and his wife are coming over so I can help put the new antenna on his car….again…but what I wanted to talk about is the hypocritical repubs in Alabama who shout “freedom” from the top of their lungs and then use the power of the state to make sure it’s only freedom to do what they will allow…just yesterday, the governor of Alabama signed a law that will punish any company whose management recognizes a union without doing whatever they can to prevent it by withholding state economic incentives and grants, loans, and tax credits…how the hell they can get away with discriminating against a company doing the right thing I don’t know…oh, yes I do…the courts in Alabama are full of maga assholes who will rule that anything the repubs want to do is just peachy as they did with the heavily gerrymandered voting districts that the courts protected…this is what you will get across this country, folks, if you vote for any repub…less rights just as they did by overturning roe…and that was just a start…geez…