Well…after the orange idiot got convicted of 34 felonies last week, the right wing propaganda machine went into high gear trying to convince the public and especially the maga assholes that being convicted is a good thing and that it was a”rigged” trial…why do you think they are spinning so hard? Polls that were done after the conviction have shown that yes, being a convicted felon is not a good thing when you’re running for office…especially since even a good portion of repubs think he should drop out of the race…and our side hasn’t even run any ads yet focused on the undecided voters using the convictions as the topic…and once we start educating the people on what the repubs have planned if they take over the government…hint: it’s full fascism…and once it’s explained, even the maga don’t like it….so, it’s looking better for us and it will be even better once idiot boy is sentenced July 11th…;geez…