Well…not sure if you saw Joe Biden’s speech that he did yesterday but the consensus is that it was a good one…and I thought so too as he called out the right wingers trying to destroy this country…and even mentioned the idiot trump by name for all the crap he pulled and called out fox news for beingĀ cheeerleader for the plot…and boy, they have their fee fees hurt and are sulking and trying to spin it to the point that they are now calling a really hopeful speech “divisive” while trying to puff themselves up by saying most of the country watches their channel…and that made me laugh when it is well known that maybe 1 percent of the country watches fox regularily and the major networks have 10 times more viewers each than they do…I think Biden hit them where they hurt by using the truth to call them out and they really, really don’t like truth….suck it up snowflakes…geez…