Well…we all know that Trump lies like he breathes, and the disavowing of his “birtherism” is just another one of them….last week, he said that he “believes” that Obama was born in the US…a whole seven seconds in a speech…but that seven seconds doesn’t erase the 6 years of constant attack on the president, the constant racist dog whistles that were lapped up by all repubs and still are…and ole Donald admitted yesterday that his abandoning of his racist birther stance was just expediency….just to get people to stop talking about it…not that he apologized to the president for his many, many slurs over the past 6 years…nope, that won’t happen since he still is a racist piece of shit who still believes all of his own lies about Obama…I think part of this is the fact that Obama has come from nothing and, through hard work and intelligence, has made a difference in the lives of many Americans and has tried to do what is right for the entire country…while Trump was given everything…never had to work for a dime of his supposed “fortune” and has done everything in his life for one person…Trump…and has hurt thousands of people as he cut his path of damage across this country….I detect some jealousy there…after all, how could any minority do better than Trump? Trump is just one pissed off little boy trying to look like a man and failing at it…and it couldn’t happen to a worse person…geez…