Well…do we really have to entertain that there will be another Bush running for president? It just makes my skin crawl after the debacle of ole GW that the repubs don’t have anyone else who is more qualified that another Bush…and ole Jeb is portraying himself as a “self-made man” when he has used the same family connections the GW used to tout his qualifications when it is well known that neither of these guys has done anything on their own…in fact, most of the businesses that ole Jeb has been involved with have ended up being seized by the government and many of the execs have gone to jail just as ole Jeb has bailed out of them….I wonder why he has been able to get away scott free from all of the messes he has left behind? Can you say connections? Just don’t even want to think about the wreck this country would be after another Bush craps all over it…geez…