Well….when are we, as a people, going to stop allowing billionaires to buy elections…when are we going to climb out from under the thumb of banks and business and take our country back…when are we going to find the principles that made this country great and start living by them again? I am edging up on the concept of civil disobedience as useful tool to combat the nonsense from the right and their owners…what if everyone took a month off from paying their mortgages; what would the banks do? What if we all come out and tell the politicians we want an ideology free set of solutions that are based in the science of economics; not the failed “gut feel” economics that the right is pushing? What if we said no to more tax cuts? What if we said yes to paying more in taxes to help get the country out of this mess? What if we boycott any company that sends even one more job out of the country? What if we stop this warfare on working people and support the unions who are the last line of defense for the middle class?
There are so many things that we can and need to do to make this country better…not just for the rich but for all of us but it won’t happen on it’s own…it’s time for all of us to say enough of going backward and saying what we can’t do…what if we become aspirational again? We need to think big again…there is more than enough money for it here….we just need to get it back from the right wing thieves who have stolen it all over the past 20 years….geez…
Well…I was going to do a political one today but I am still in a state of disgust with all politicians…okay, not all of them..but all of the repubs for sure and even some of the dems who seem to think that compromise is giving the repubs everything they want and ignoring the wants of the people that elected them. The polls show that people do not want what the repubs are selling; the gutting of the last vestiges of the social safety net that still remain for more and more tax breaks for the rich and business. We are starting to see what the repubs vision is doing to America with the prospects of another recession growing every day, caused by how they have slashed the incomes of the middle class to the point that the economy can’t grow because no one but the rich can afford to spend anything. The latest figures show that middle class has lost over 7% of their income over the past 4 years while the income of the top 10% has grown by over 40% in that same time period. And the repub idiots continue to scream that the dems are all about class warfare…when they are the ones who have unleashed warfare on the middle class and poor and will not be satisfied until everyone but them is living in poverty….geez….
Oh, I guess this was a political one….I never know where the brain is going to lead me once I get started….
One last thing…where are the jobs gov Snyder?
Well…I don’t know what took so long but finally, Obama has taken the gloves off and is no longer playing nice with the obstructionist repubs. I think he has made the right decision to attack on the whole idea of tax cuts for the rich and has put the pressure back on the thugs by going to the American people with proposals to raise taxes (or just make them equitable) on those making more than a million bucks a year…listening to Warren Buffett who decries the fact that he pays less of a percentage of his income than his secretary does in taxes. How can anyone disagree with that? But, then we have the right winger hogs worrying that the trough they have carefully and single mindedly filled to the brim for the rich might just end up a quarter of an inch below the rim….and trotting out their tired old bleat that asking for the rich to pay their fair share is “class warfare” and pledging to make sure that none of their rich donors will have to pay another dime….all I have to say to Obama is: nothing else is working politically so go big….make those idiots defend the rich and powerful…it will make is just so much easier to differentiate the dems from these thieves…geez…
Well…I promise this one will be shorter but it is something I need to get down before I forget it. I was musing about the class warfare aspect of the fights that are going on in statehouses across the country and one thing struck me: that this is a new kind of class war…one that is being fomented by the rich and powerful and uses working folks as the soldiers, pitting powerless people who have seen their pay, benefits, and security decline by the fake necessity of givebacks against those who have found at least a little protection of their status by their membership in unions. And, the puppet masters who are pulling the strings have been masterful in getting people to vote against their own interests, and to believe the lies that all of the economic problems in this country are caused by greedy workers. You have to hand it to them…first they gut funding for education so they get an ignorant populace, then they overwork them so they have no energy left to even think about how badly they’ve been deceived…..and the downward spiral for labor continues while the rich sit in their clubs and laugh their asses off at you and I….
What you never want to be….