Finally, the gloves come off…

Well…I don’t know what took so long but finally, Obama has taken the gloves off and is no longer playing nice with the obstructionist repubs. I think he has made the right decision to attack on the whole idea of tax cuts for the rich and has put the pressure back on the thugs by going to the American people with proposals to raise taxes (or just make them equitable) on those making more than a million bucks a year…listening to Warren Buffett who decries the fact that he pays less of a percentage of his income than his secretary does in taxes. How can anyone disagree with that? But, then we have the right winger hogs worrying that the trough they have carefully and single mindedly filled to the brim for the rich might just end up a quarter of an inch below the rim….and trotting out their tired old bleat that asking for the rich to pay their fair share is “class warfare” and pledging to make sure that none of their rich donors will have to pay another dime….all I have to say to Obama is: nothing else is working politically so go big….make those idiots defend the rich and powerful…it will make is just so much easier to differentiate the dems from these thieves…geez…

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