Well…you would think that after doing almost 10,000 of these, the process of finding a topic for the day would be pretty easy…but, you’d be wrong…at least for me…I will say that I haven’t had time to read the news today with the long grocery run and the straight into doing the bedroom window…so, I’m trying to do that now…and I’ll be back in a minute after I take a look…okay, so here’s one…the illegitimate supreme court today ruled for red states suing the government that the clean water act is unconstitutional since the regulations were not made by law but by the EPA who was given the regulatory power by the Clean water act…a law….so now I guess unless every damn possible thing that could happen is in a law, it’s unconstitutional? Hmmmm…I guess this means that in any red states because Joe’s industrial waste company is not specified in a law, he is free to pollute and dump his waste anywhere….and anyone who pumps septic tanks is free to spread that waste anywhere…even in front of the SC justices houses…hint, hint? Is that right? And the corrupt right wing judges who made all this possible did it with a loophole in the process so they don’t even have to write down their reasoning…just say “unconstitutional” and magically the duly passed laws of congress go poof and are no longer laws….and you ask if the court is corrupt…it sure is…geez….