Well…I have been sitting here thinking about what to write about today and nothing has really jumped out at me so I’ll just noodle around a little and see what happens….I find it funny that ole Mitt is crying foul about some of the attack ads run by Obama so far in this election cycle….this from a party that has spent the last 4 years sabotaging him at every juncture? Whose primary purpose stated by their leaders is not to help the country get moving again, it’s not to help pass a farm or jobs bill, but it is to make sure that Obama fails by any means necessary. When you look at the actual work product that this congress has completed, it is the worst of any congress in history…they did have time to try to repeal the ACA 33 times, but nothing else other than the nonsense of protecting the rich and and corporations from paying their fair share….so, when you hear ole Mitt complaining about the negative ads, take the whole thing with a grain of salt, after all, the repubs started it…geez….
Tag Archives: congress
Everyone’s doing fine but the workers…
Well…this one just popped into my head about an article that I saw a few days ago that said that the current congress is the richest one in the history of the country with the current crop’s net worth being 10 times the average Americans, and this points to one of the problems that I see with the country right now: that everyone but the workers are doing well. Corporations have the highest highest retained earnings of any time in history and CEO pay is at it’s highest in relation to worker’s pay since statistics have been kept…why doesn’t anyone connect the dots here? We have the rich in congress making laws for the rich bought and paid for by corporations that have done nothing but stagnate the income of the middle class (or, in real dollars have shrunk the income of the middle) and we wonder why no one is spending, we wonder why the economy can’t stop sputtering and start to move again? Until the middle gets a true share of their contribution to the economy and the rich stop taking more and more, we are doomed to just idle, to look at tiny slivers of hope and blow them out of proportion just because we want to believe that the American dream still exists…I’ve got news for you….it’s already gone…geez….