Well…as the days go by, the repubs and their buddies at ALEC continue to dream up more mischief to inflict upon this country and I am getting damn tired of it….the latest is the raft of so-called “conscience” laws that are being proposed in Washington state and here in Michigan….in case you haven’t heard, these laws would allow anyone to discriminate against anyone they don’t like if it is a “deeply held religious belief”….but you know the true purpose behind it is to allow them to discriminate against gays….but, how much further could it go? How about your religion doesn’t allow mixed race marriages so any mixed race couple that comes into your shop or restaurant can be turned away….or your religion doesn’t allow women to drive so you can refuse to sell them gas? It is just another nightmare coming out of the supposed party of “freedom”…they can’t pass anything that would get the economy moving but they have all of the time in the world to try to take away hard fought rights….I just can’t believe this crap….geez…