Tag Archives: coronavirus protests

Selfishness on display….

Well….I didn’t know that not being able to plant flowers or get a  haircut was a threat to the “freedom” of the people of Michigan. Yesterday, spurred on by fox news, you know, the network that said that the coronavirus was a hoax…a bunch of rural, white repubs decided that trying to prevent the spread of the virus was not “‘murican” and not being able to go out to bars and gun ranges was the “greatest” threat to freedom in the history of the country….and a few of them even got out of their cars to gather on the steps of the capital to wave their guns, confederate flags, and trump 2020 flags and “own the libs” by ignoring social distance recommendations…. after all they say, that most of the infections are in “urban” areas which is racist code for black areas and they just think they are immune from the virus since they live in the country….now, I’ve raged about the selfishness of repubs here for years now….that they don’t care about any crisis unless it hits their immediate family and this puts that selfishness on full display…that even minor inconvenience…well, the stay at home orders are more than a minor inconvenience to many people who have lost their jobs and their businesses, but what are their lives worth? Again, the right is trotting out the “economic anxiety” excuse for the protests, that people need to get back to work, but that is the same reason that they used to explain the election of trump that has been exploded many times…and the true reason is that unless you are straight, white, and christian, you don’t count at all and it is okay that you die or get locked up in cages since you are “the other”….what other reason would there be for waving a confederate flag? I know that this lockdown is hard on people…even for someone like me who is used to being alone…but this “protest” of these morons is going to get people killed just like the 90% of coronavirus deaths here in the US that could have been avoided if trump and his cronies had done their jobs instead of playing politics with the response…I guess we are not “in this together”…but over the past 30 years we never were….