Well…I guess governing and protecting the American people is too hard for trump and his cronies so they have just given up on the pandemic and idiot boy is back at his golf course prepping for more “rallies”…the coronavirus task force doesn’t meet anymore and all of the people who were reporting on progress (what little there was) have been told to stop making trump look bad and have been forbidden to talk to the press since idiot boy feels the whole virus thing is over and it’s time to move on…the only problem with that is in the red states that did little or nothing to prevent the spread of the virus are now seeing their cases spike and their hospitals overwhelmed….doctors in Houston are saying that they are close to “disaster” as all of their ICU beds are full but cases are still rising sharply…and this is the case in Florida, Arizona, Alabama, Alaska,Arkansas….where the average increase in cases since “reopening” has been around 300% and the pandemic is still in full force…not just the smoldering dying embers as idiot boy describes it…but a full fledged emergency with the death toll across the country now over 110,000 and predicted to go to 250,000 by mid July…and trump and his cronies do nothing…this is an impeachable offense right there and every damn one of them should be in jail for malfeasance after they are thrown out of office in November since the senate repubs won’t do a damn thing to protect Americans, either. One small bright spot is here in Michigan where we had the fourth highest amount of cases and deaths in the country but now, after our science based reopening, our cases are down 64% and are still falling…gee, I wonder if using fact based decision making had something to do with that? It sure looks like basing public health decisions on politics isn’t working too well in the red states….and it is going to get worse with idiot boy crisscrossing the country to put on his hate rallies with no social distancing or any other form of protection for the attendees…but trump is protecting himself by forcing everyone going to the rallies to sign a waiver saying that if they get sick, they can’t hold trump or his campaign responsible…so, there’s no danger but you can’t blame trump for killing you…sounds like danger to me….