Tag Archives: cronyism

A few thoughts on ole Mitt…

Well…after watching the gaffe filled campaign of ole Mitt stumble along to the repub nomination, one of the things that stuck me is that he just doesn’t seem that bright when he talks…like ole GW looked whenever he talked and I just made a connection in my head that explained Mitts and GW’s success…they are the poster children for crony capitalism and the bad results that come from removing merit from the economy and replacing it with the connections and advantages that come from being born into the right family…something that is accepted in Europe, but is not supposed to happen here in the US. Does anyone think that ole Mitt would be anything more than a middle manager somewhere without the family and political connections he has? Connections that he was born to…and just another example of having the world handed to you and deluding yourself into thinking you “earned” it….geez…

Political cronyism and false equivalency….

Well….wonderful news out of Wisconsin that just shows how political cronyism is alive and well in that state…in case you didn’t get it, that was sarcasm…I know, it hard for me to get sarcasm across in writing…better writers can, but I’m still learning…yep, still learning in my 50′s. The news story goes like this…our friend gov. Walker, hires a non-college educated, double dui convicted son of a large political donor and lobbyist to head up his environmental and regulatory affairs department. This, from a governor whose stated goals are to gut all environmental and business regulation and is just another instance where you have the curtain peeled back on what the repubs want this country to look like…not promoted or hired on your merits or your hard work but on your connections no matter how unqualified you are…an extension of the GW Bush doctrine that you don’t have to be competent, just connected; one that Sarah Palin has used to great effect…yep, that’s the first mention of sister Sarah since Feb 1st….

The second part of this one I got from a column from Jay Ambrose in the Detroit News this morning…and I would like to say thank you Detroit News for so many easy targets for counterpunching. Mr. Ambrose goes on to equate the crazy assed birthers with those of us that constantly railed on about the actions of GW when he was in office. What he does not get is the core difference between the two groups…that the birthers are attacking who Obama IS, while we hated what GW DID to this country and the American way of life. This false equivalency runs through the repub talking points every day; where egregious hate of the tea party is compared to the workers of Wisconsin standing up for their rights and is therefore justified.

One last thing I wanted to talk about today is what I see as our country being lost, that there is no longer any place here for the dignity of the middle class and sharing of the fruits of our economy….I am loathe to suggest that since the normal avenues of redress in a democracy have been closed to us by the power of the money of the rich and business that we should use any method available….but I think that those who are greedily taking all they can get with little regard for the rest of us must start to think of the world that will be when the bottom 99% of us get fed up and use the last resorts they have left us…beware….