Tag Archives: crowd sizes

The irony is just delicious…

Well…have been taking it easy a little today but I did want to comment on what I see as just a frickin delicious  irony…just saw pictures of the crowds protesting in DC a few minutes ago and the thought struck me…they are larger than the idiot trump’s inaugural crowds by a huge margin! Okay Lincoln project, where’s the ad stabbing at idiot boy for this? You know how much everything about him and he gets the biggest crowds etc…this one could be a two fer…they could jab him about the crowd size and then throw in that he lies about damn near everything with photos and everything…this would really piss off the moron in chief and would be in addition to the defection of lots of repubs of the past few days who said they wouldn’t support or vote for idiot boy….he just has to be stewing over the trashing he has been getting by these same repubs and just a little nudge should be all it takes to push him even farther over the edge…oh, and one more great ad would be directed at the enablers of the idiot and should say that trump can’t pardon everyone before he leaves office so the ones who are helping him break the law and trash the constitution are going to pay for their criminality…I’m talking to you Bill Barr and Mike Pompeo….and the rest of you…it’s going to get real in 5 months so I guess maybe you should stop criming? Nope, they are too stupid to understand that when we take back the government, the rule of law is going to apply again…just like it should have for the past 4 years….