Tag Archives: Cuba

One last thing about Cuba…

Well…in all of the stuff I’ve read about Cuba over the past few days, one thing I thought of has not been mentioned…that is the fact that with this stroke, Obama has taken the reason away that the Castros’ have used to explain away the poverty and lack of growth that Cuba has seen over the past 50 years..it has always been the US’s fault…everything that has ever gone wrong has been blamed on us but now that is going to go away and the people running the place are going to have to put up or shut up…just my thought….


Well…justĀ  short one on the news that the US is going to start normalizing diplomatic relations with Cuba…my only question is “what took so long?” Since the demise of the Soviet Union, Cuba has been no threat to the US and many other countries that we were enemies with have long since had relations repaired and are now trading and diplomatic partners…I wonder what it was with
Cuba that made them different? Probably just the right wingers who profited by the continuation of hostilities…which is a normal function of the right these days…to gin up hostilities/controversies that they can take advantage of to grift their way to riches. Fifty years of this nonsense is long enough…can’t wait to hear the heads exploding like ole Rubio’s already did….fun…