Tag Archives: destruction of SS and Medicare

All hands on deck…

Well…not sure what the demographics are of the people who come here every day, and I’m not sure if any of that matters with the latest threat to human lives that the idiot trump and his minions have just done. Just Monday, these hate filled sacks of crap stopped collecting the taxes that support Social security and Medicare, using the catchall repub talking point that they are doing that to spur the economy…and it’s strange that the only solution for every problem this country faces is a tax cut…never mind that tax cuts never work other than to make the rich richer….what this will do is cut off payments to people on SS disability early next year if trump is re-elected, and will end SS and Medicare by 2023 since there won’t be any money if the taxes are not collected….now listen to me….SS will be gone in two years…something we paid for all of our lives that allowed others to retire and not starve will be gone….and people who are approaching retirement age and who are depending on SS to able to retire are just shit out of luck if you older folks continue to vote for the repubs…they have been trying to end SS since FDR signed it into law in the 1930′s and this is the gravest threat to it that there has ever been…no more healthcare for retirees, either…so what they are saying is if you’re old and get sick, the only option is to die since Medicare will be gone….now, is this a good enough reason to vote for Joe Biden in November? The media is strangely silent on this issue…no screaming headlines that 30 million Americans will be left to starve if trump is re-elected, nope…nothing at all when it should be the only headline on every news show from now until the election and every damn shill for trump should be asked that question every day…”do you support letting 30 million people starve just to give more tax cuts to the rich?” These are the stakes, folks…and we need all hands on deck to vote these callous assholes out permanently….geez…