Tag Archives: election fraud grifting

As I said, it’s all been a grift…

Well…after watching the hearing this morning and all of the testimony and evidence, the contention I made a year ago has been proven…that the big lie was just another trump grift…he was told multiple times by damn near everyone there was no fraud in the election and that he had lost…and at that time he started the grift by ginning up the outrage of his minions for one an only one reason…money….he knew that if he could get the morons pissed off and lie to them that the election was stolen, he could squeeze more money out of them and also lie that the money was going to be spent “defending” the election…but what the committee showed today was that it was all a scam…and he created a PAC that the money was going to go into that he would control…and the rubes fell right into line and filled his pockets to the tune of almost 300 million dollars that he doesn’t have to account for and that he has doled out to his insider cronies to the tune of millions….now, I won’t say that he wasn’t actually trying to overturn the election, but every damn person that worked for him told him there was no fraud and he had no chance of staying in office so I think all of the lawsuits and bullshit that he spread around about “fraud” in the election was just part of the grift…part of the conman that he is…repeat a lie enough times and the morons who follow him will believe it and then open their wallets…and that is all the presidency was to him…just another grift to line his pockets and the pockets of his family….and walking away with a billion dollars including the 640 million that griftanka and sleazy jared stole isn’t bad work…and he is still at it…he needs to go to jail….now…