Tag Archives: entitlements

Romney’s entititlement society…

Well..it just pisses me off when one of the 1% starts to lecture us on what, in his warped, privileged mind, is wrong with society today. He is lecturing us on entitlement? Romney, who was born the son of wealthy parents who has all the best in life with no struggle to pay the rent, put food on the table, or send the kids to college? I’ve had enough of the elites and their rich buddies faking that they even give a damn about anyone but themselves and then continue to steal what rightfully belongs to the middle class, without who the rich would not be rich…the only sense of entitlement here in the US belongs to the rich who think they got to where they are by hard work…and that is just nonsense…they got where they are with the connections and old boy networks that do not operate on merit…they operate on cronyism and the winks and nods that come with a rigged system. Mitt, why don’t you just go back to Bain Capital and ship some more jobs overseas…that is the only thing you are good for….geez….