Well…the shortsighted asshole who runs the repub party, Mitch McConnell, is going to jam through another SC justice before the election to replace RBG…never mind that the hypocrite in chief running the senate had a “rule” that said that you can’t approve a new justice in the last year of a president’s term…but we all know that only applies to dem presidents….so I say let him…and then we need to get out to vote to ensure that we take back the WH and senate…then play some damn hardball for a change…and that would mean expanding the SC to 15 justices and appointing liberal justices to all 6 of the new seats…after all, moscow mitch has been tearing the rules of the senate up to jam through unqualified judges for the past 4 years and we need to grow a spine in response. The number of SC justices is set by law, not by the constitution and all we would have to do is pass a new law saying that there are now 15…but, let’s not stop there…if the repubs want to break every convention to get their right wing asshole judges installed to go against the will of the people…especially on Roe v. Wade where 70% of the American people want it left alone…then we need to respond in kind and expand every damn court and blunt the damage that the repubs have done. Then, we need a real investigation of Brett Kavanaugh and impeach the lying sexual assaulter and get him off the court….we need to let the repubs know that if they jam through this RBG replacement, there will be hell to pay….but we need the entire government in our hands to make them pay…so, get out and vote…