Well…yeah, it’s unusual that I do six of these a day but damn, big news about the idiot trump and his accounting firm just broke and I wanted to talk about it before I forget…just today the accounting firm that has done trump’s financials for years and years just resigned from working for trump, his organization, and his family stating that financial statements from 2011 to 2022 can no longer be relied on given the new information that has come out through investigations from various sources….meaning that they are bailing since they know trump and his family have been lying to them for the past 10 years and they don’t want to get dragged into the wrongdoing…and with something this serious, idiot boy and his family are going to have a hell of a time finding a new firm to do their taxes and other financial reports…and the funny thing is they told trump’s lawyer that there are returns due tomorrow and they need to figure out what to do since they are done with the whole crime family and will perform no more work for them….gee, I wonder if part of this is that idiot boy sued Mazars to keep them from obeying a subpoena for the records that they are now saying are bullshit….now we know why little donnie jr. went off yesterday on a coke fueled rant about Hillary…to try to deflect from the noose that is tightening around all of them…tick tock donnie, start getting fitted for that orange jumpsuit…