Tag Archives: falling wages

I told you…

Well…as you remember back when the great repub tax scam was being rammed through congress without any scoring by the CBO, I told you that the reason the repubs were using to sell it, that it would raise wages for workers, was just a blatant lie…the only thing that was going to happen was the rich were going to get much, much richer and the deficit was going to explode…I think you can guess where this is going…yep, real wages that people like you and I earn have fallen almost a half percent in the past year…and the sick thing is that people are working longer hours and their wages are still less than they were last year…so the hourly rate has dropped and people can’t even make up for it by working more hours. Every damn bit of the rise in productivity, and every damn bit of the tax cuts went to the 1%…again, while the 99% of us that have worked for a living are being left even farther behind….I don’t think this is an accident, I think this is the direct result of the repub war on workers that they have been pushing for the past 40 years and they are sitting in their congressional offices rubbing their hands with glee that they have been able to lie, cheat, and steal to reward their rich donors…and they know the ignorant asses that elected them won’t ever catch on since not a bit of this appears on fox news….that makes this fall’s election even more important than normal…we need to take the house and senate back to start to repair the damage the repubs have done to this country….tired of all the winning yet MAGA folks? impeach….