Well…with the blowhard liar trump still screeching about how wonderful the economy is, let’s take a little look at reality when it comes to how people that work for a living are faring…not just the 1% who are still stealing everything that is not nailed down…in data released today workers continue to be screwed by trump and his cronies and the entire repub party…over the past year wage growth has shrunk to zero…yep, even with inflation running 2%, workers in this country got nothing to even just keep up…a net pay cut of 2% while corporations are hoarding billions and billions of dollars that the asinine tax cut was supposed to give to workers…but, we all in the fact based world knew this was going to be the result of just throwing cash at the 1%…only the delusional would ever think that those greedy bastards would ever share one damn dime of the tax cut that they bought from the repubs….I wonder if some of these trump voters who didn’t get a raise are going to blame the dems like they do for everything else? Now, I’m just not going to give them any benefit of the doubt anymore…I hope they all lose everything for being so stupid to vote for a reality show bankrupting loser…they deserve it….
Tag Archives: tax cuts for the rich
I told you…
Well…as you remember back when the great repub tax scam was being rammed through congress without any scoring by the CBO, I told you that the reason the repubs were using to sell it, that it would raise wages for workers, was just a blatant lie…the only thing that was going to happen was the rich were going to get much, much richer and the deficit was going to explode…I think you can guess where this is going…yep, real wages that people like you and I earn have fallen almost a half percent in the past year…and the sick thing is that people are working longer hours and their wages are still less than they were last year…so the hourly rate has dropped and people can’t even make up for it by working more hours. Every damn bit of the rise in productivity, and every damn bit of the tax cuts went to the 1%…again, while the 99% of us that have worked for a living are being left even farther behind….I don’t think this is an accident, I think this is the direct result of the repub war on workers that they have been pushing for the past 40 years and they are sitting in their congressional offices rubbing their hands with glee that they have been able to lie, cheat, and steal to reward their rich donors…and they know the ignorant asses that elected them won’t ever catch on since not a bit of this appears on fox news….that makes this fall’s election even more important than normal…we need to take the house and senate back to start to repair the damage the repubs have done to this country….tired of all the winning yet MAGA folks? impeach….
This is their defense?
Well…the atrocious tax bill that the repubs are jamming through congress without any hearings or even reading it is being defended in a really strange way…not really strange but revealing….repub senators know this bill that gives 83% of the tax benefits to the 1% is a piece of crap but their defense is that future congresses will repeal it….yeah, these idiots are so cynical and hungry for any kind of legislative win that they are justifying it and saying “hey, don’t worry about it, legislators in the future will clean up our mess”…..and guess who those legislators will be? Yep, it’s always the repubs screwing things up and it’s always the dems that have to come along and fix it…and the repubs really don’t care how bad they are screwing people…the end game for most of these repub idiots who will be voted out of office next year is to take care of their donors so they can then become lobbyists being paid 7 figure salaries by the same people they are handing the country to. How much longer will you idiots who vote for repubs take this crap? No tax cut and losing your health insurance….just frickin brilliant on your part…
Tax cuts only for the rich…
Well…just wanted to do a short one on the tax “reform” bill that is being jammed through Congress by the repubs as we speak…never mind that there have been no hearings in either the House or Senate on the effects of this crap…something that has never happened before and is all you really need to know..that the repubs are trying to hide this disaster that is specifically being done to reward their donors who have threatened to close the money taps if they don’t get huge tax cuts. And that is the problem here…the rich are the only ones that actually get a cut…anyone who makes less than 75K a year will get a tax increase…yep, you and I and most of the country is going to see their taxes go up just to give more to the rich…just like here in Michigan where taxes were raised on retirees to give tax cuts to corporations who were supposed to create jobs with it but it never happened….and that is the same nonsense that the repubs are using to justify this giveaway to the rich…that it will magically create jobs…even when damn near every ceo asked said that the tax cut wouldn’t do a thing to create jobs…but it would give them a nice pay raise. When can we get back to actual facts being used to set policy instead of ideology? When we vote the repubs out…
The real reason for trumpcare….
Well….with all of the “negotiating” going on with the repubs for what is going to be in trumpcare, the real reason for any of this is being obscured by debates on coverage, deductibles, and how many people will lose their healthcare….the real reason for any bill on trumpcare is to gut Medicaid and give the rich 900 billion in tax cuts…there is no other reason and that is why Ryan is not serious about what is going to be in the bill. He just doesn’t care as long as he can give the people that bought him his seat and the rest of the repubs seats a payback for their investment….he doesn’t care that 15 million low income people that get healthcare through Medicaid are left out in the cold to die…in fact, that’s a feature, not a bug in his system….in the warped minds of the repubs, anyone who hasn’t figured out how to game the system and get rich deserves to die, and to ask the rich to pay their fair share as part of the societal compact is not something that ever enters the minds of these assholes….keep that in mind when you hear news about this cruel, heartless bill…it’s only purpose is to make the rich richer and everyone else can go to hell….