Tax cuts only for the rich…

Well…just wanted to do a short one on the tax “reform” bill that is being jammed through Congress by the repubs as we speak…never mind that there have been no hearings in either the House or Senate on the effects of this crap…something that has never happened before and is all you really need to know..that the repubs are trying to hide this disaster that is specifically being done to reward their donors who have threatened to close the money taps if they don’t get huge tax cuts. And that is the problem here…the rich are the only ones that actually get a cut…anyone who makes less than 75K a year will get a tax increase…yep, you and I and most of the country is going to see their taxes go up just to give more to the rich…just like here in Michigan where taxes were raised on retirees to give tax cuts to corporations who were supposed to create jobs with it but it never happened….and that is the same nonsense that the repubs are using to justify this giveaway to the rich…that it will magically create jobs…even when damn near every ceo asked said that the tax cut wouldn’t do a thing to create jobs…but it would give them a nice pay raise. When can we get back to actual facts being used to set policy instead of ideology? When we vote the repubs out…

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