Well…as a day has passed and people have started to read the entire bullshit mountain that is Alito’s ruling…it is stunning that one of the reasons he uses for outlawing abortion is the fact there is not a big enough “domestic supply of infants” for rich people to adopt so the government is going to force women to give birth to supply them…so, does that mean that if there is not a big enough supply of “domestic kidneys” for transplants that the government can now force people with two good ones to give one to someone the government chooses? Once he rules that American women’s bodies no longer belong to them, it follows that no one’s body belongs to them and it can be used any way the government sees fit…does this seem familiar to you? How about Nazi Germany where anyone who was not in the Nazi party could have everything they have taken away from them and be put in camps that the Nazis would use for medical experimentation. That’s exactly what is going on here and if you think you are safe because you are a religious white guy, think again….these assholes are shredding the constitution and every damn person in this country should be in the streets…